208 documents found | displayed: 101 - 200
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 47
Parchment · I + 61 ff. · 21.2 x 13.4 cm · Italy · end of the 15th century
Catullus, Carmina

Online Since: 12/13/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 50
Parchment · 146 ff. · 16.5 x 11.5 cm · Italy · second half of the 15th century
Cicero, De senectute, De amicitia, Paradoxa ad Brutum; Ps. Cicero, Synonyma

Online Since: 12/13/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 51
Parchment · I + 179 + I ff. · 27.7 x 18.5 cm · Italy · 15th century
Cicero, Orationes

Online Since: 12/13/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 82
Parchment · II + 24 + II ff. · 21.8 x 26 cm · England · end of the 13th century
Raoul de Houdenc, Roman des Eles. Donnei des Amants. Lai d'Haveloc. Lai de Désiré. Lai de Nabaret

Online Since: 12/13/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 16
Parchment · 113 ff. · 30 x 20.5 cm · Germany (Gladbach Abbey?) · 12th century
Beda Venerabilis, In Marci Evangelium Expositio

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 550
Paper · 56 ff. · 24.1 x 15.2 cm · [India] · 1623/24
“The story of Seyf ol-Molûk and Badî`ol-Jamâl"

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 902
Paper · 20 ff. · 26.5 x 23 cm · Mexico · end of 17th century, before 1715
Codex of Santa María Tepexoyucan

Online Since: 10/07/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 81
Parchment · III + 34 + III ff. · 27.5 x 19.5 cm · Cologne · 15th century
Pesach Haggadah

Online Since: 04/23/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 100
Parchment · 292 ff. · 42.5 x 26.5 cm · Italy · 14th century
Justinian I, Digestum Vetus

Online Since: 04/23/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 101
Parchment · 60 ff. · 19.6 x 13 cm · Italy (?) · 12th century
Juvenal, Satires (with glosses)

Online Since: 04/23/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 104
Parchment · I + 158 ff. · 31.9 x 21.7 cm · Italy (Naples?) · 15th century (around 1465-1475?)
Lactantius, Works

Online Since: 04/23/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 125
Parchment · I + 199 + I ff. · 29.1 x 19.2 cm · Italy · 14th century (around 1320?), notes from the 14th-15th century
Ovid, Metamorphoses

Online Since: 04/23/2013

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 45
Parchment · 301 ff. · 23 x 33 cm · Spain · around 1470
Cancioneiro de Pedro Fernandez de Velasco. Diversas Virtudes y vicios y Yinnos

Online Since: 03/22/2012

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 173
Parchment · 99 ff. · 12 x 10.7 cm · France · second half of the 9th century
Augustinus Hipponensis, Retractationes; De haeresibus ad Quoduultdeum (Epistulae)

Online Since: 03/22/2012

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 174
Parchment · II + 338 + II ff. · 41.2 x 29 cm · France · 15th century
Giovanni Boccaccio, Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes (De casibus virorum illustrium), French translation by Laurent de Premierfait

Online Since: 03/22/2012

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 176
Parchment · I + 186 ff. · 29 x 27.5 cmf · Paris · 1471
Guillelmus Fichetus, Rhetorica

Online Since: 03/22/2012

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 177
Parchment · 109 ff. · 23.7 x 16.4 cm · Northern Italy · beginning of the 12th century
Gariopontus of Salerno, Passionarius

Online Since: 03/22/2012

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 181
Parchment · III + 310 + II ff. · 37.5 x 27.5 cm · France · end of the 15th century
Flavius Iosephus, Antiquitates iudaicae

Online Since: 03/22/2012

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 11
Parchment · 80 ff. · 26.3 x 18 cm · 13th century
Chanson d'Aspremont

Online Since: 10/04/2011

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 5
Paper · 96 ff. · 21 x 15.4/15.6 cm · about 1491
Aesopus, Fabulae, Epigrammata et proverbia, Oraculum sibyllinum · Ps. Pythagoras, Carmen aureum, Praecepta delphica · Phocylides, Sententiae · Aristophanes, Nubes, Vita Aristophanis, Hypothesis in Aritophanis Plutum

Online Since: 11/04/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 3
Paper · 55 ff. · 21 x 14.3 cm · end of the 15th century
Aeschylus, Persae

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 8
Paper · 247 ff. · 33 x 22.4 cm · about 1541
Archimedes, Opera . Eutocius, Commentarii in Archimeden . Hero Alexandrinus, De mensuris

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 9
Parchment · I + 81 ff. · 19.8 x 12.3 cm · [France] · 11th/12th century / 12th century
Aristoteles, Categoriae uel Praedicamenta; De interpretatione uel Periermenias . Boethius, Commentarius in Aristotelis Categorias

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 58
Parchment · I + 264 ff. · 36.4 x 23.5 cm · Italy (Naples?) · 14th century
Dioscorides, De simplici medicina (Dioscorides alphabeticus); Rogerius de Barone, Practica (Rogerina maior); Practica parva (Rogerina minor); Galterius Agilus, Summa medicinalis, De febribus, De dosi medicinarum; Ps. Galenus, De dynamidiis

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 64
Paper · 2 + 71 + 2 ff. · 21 x 14.3 cm · end of the 15th century
Euripides, Phoinissae

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 79
Parchment · IV + 137 + III ff. · 26.3 x 17.6 cm · 1308
Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Roman de la Rose

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 86
Paper · 13 ff. · 30.2 x 20.5 cm · Italy, possibly Naples · 14th century
Ilias latina

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 87
Paper · I + 22 ff. + 7 ff. · 21.6 x 14.5 cm · Arezzo · 1469
Ilias latina

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 115
Paper · 1 + 153 + 16 + 1 ff. · · 16th century
Ps. Mauricius, Strategicon . Ps. Nicephorus, De uelitatione bellica . Ps. Iulius Africanus, Apparatus bellicus

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 137
Parchment · 76 ff. · 20.2 x 14 cm · Italiy? · 15th century (beginning?)
Plato, Phaedo

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 139
Parchment · II + 174 + II ff. · 33.5 x 23.2 cm · Italy (Florence) · 15th century (about 1460-1470?)
Polybius, Historiae

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 162
Parchment · 252 ff. · 27.8 x 19.3 cm · Italy (Florence?) · 15th century (about 1460-1470?)
Thucydides, De bello Peloponensium

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 186
Parchment · I + 117 ff. · 20.5 x 13 cm · Italy · 15th century
Festus Pompeius, De verborum significatu

Online Since: 06/02/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 6
Parchment · 48 ff. · 28.8 x 18 cm · England? · 14th-15th century
Historia de preliis Alexandri Magni

Online Since: 04/15/2010

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 25
Parchment · (2) 196+23 bis (2) ff. · 31.9 x 24.8 cm · Constantinople / Smyrna · end of the 10th century

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 28
Parchment · 416 ff. · 35.7 x 25 cm · Northern France (?) · 13th century
Latin Bible

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 39
Parchment · 95 ff. · 26.5 x 17.2 cm · Italy · 1467
Giovanni Boccaccio, Elegia di madonna Fiammetta

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 40
Parchment · II + 122 + II ff. · 17.6 x 12.4 cm · France · end of the 13th century
Jean Bodel, Chanson de Saisnes

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 53
Parchment · 168 ff. · 40 x 29 cm · Burgundy · about 1470-1475
Quintus Curtius, The Life and Deeds of Alexander the Great

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 57
Parchment · 82 ff. · 33.4 x 22.3 cm · Italy · 1378
Dante, Commedia, etc. (Codice Severoli)

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 59
Paper · 194 + I ff. · 20.2 x 14.7 cm · Constance / Ravensburg · end of the 15th century
Meister Eckhart

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 68
Parchment · 155 ff. · 25.5 x 21.9 cm · Germany · first half of the 9th century
Institutio canonicorum Aquisgranensis

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 85
Parchment and paper · (3) + 206 + (3) pp. · 26.5 x 21 cm · southern Italy, Terra d'Otranto · 13th century
Homer, Iliad with scholii

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 88
Parchment · 72 ff. · 25.3 x 19.5 cm · France (?) · late 10th century / early 11th century
Horace, Works

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 90
Parchment · 222 ff. · 15.5 x 10.2 cm · Italy · 15th century
Horace, Virgil, Persius and Statius

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 92
Parchment · III + 124 ff. + f. [125-126] ff. · 31.6 x 19.3 cm · Paris (?) · end of the 13th century
Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 109
Parchment · 169 ff. · 25.1 x 17.2 cm · France (or Spain?) · 14th century
Raimundus Lullus

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 124
Parchment · II + 294 + II ff. · 39.3 x 26.5 cm · Naples · 15th century
Ovid, Metamorphoses, Fasti

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 136
Parchment · (3) 169 (1) ff. · 20.3 x 11.5 cm · Florence · end of 14th - beginning of 15th century
Plato, Dialogues

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 142
Parchment · 194 ff. · 21.1 x 16.5 cm · Germany or Switzerland (region of St. Gall?) · end of the 11th century or beginning of the 12th century
Prudentius, Carmina (cum glossis)

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 154
Parchment · 124 ff. · 28.1 x 17.2 cm · Germany · 11th century and 15th century
Statius, Thebaid

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 161
Parchment · 213 ff. · 35.6 x 25 cm · France, Paris · 1280
Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 164
Parchment · 655 ff. · 31 x 25.5 cm · beginning of the 14th century
Prose Tristan

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 168
Parchment · I + 222 + I ff. · 25 x 16.3 cm · end of the 13th - beginning of the 14th century
Waldef, Guy de Warwick, Otinel

Online Since: 12/21/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 127
Parchment · 265 ff. · 44.8 x 30.5 cm · Premonstratensian monastery of Weissenau, Germany (Diocese of Constance) · 12th century
Passionary of Weissenau

Online Since: 05/20/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 131
Parchment · I + 180 ff. · 23 x 16.3 cm · Italy · late 14th century
Petrarch and Dante, Rime

Online Since: 05/20/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 188
Parchment · 33 ff. · 21 x 13.6 cm · Western Germany (Rhineland) · around 1230
William of Conches, Dragmaticon, and the Compotus, Texts on Science and Astronomy

Online Since: 05/20/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 18
Parchment · II + 268 + II ff. · 30 x 20 cm · Abbey of Tongerloo, Diocese of Cambrai, Deanery of Antwerp · end of the 13th century
Benoît de Sainte-Maure, Roman de Troie . Roman de Thèbes

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 19
Parchment · 66 ff. · 10.6 x 8 cm · Cistercian Abbey of Maulbronn (Diocese of Speyer, Württemberg) · 1480
Pseudo-Bernard of Clairvaux

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 43
Parchment · III + 208 + III pp. · 27 x 19 cm · England · end of the 15th century
Chronicle of London and paraphrase of the Metrical Chronicle of Robert of Gloucester

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 44
Parchment · 132 ff. · 33.6 x 23 cm · Italy, probably Naples · around 1480
Caesar, Commentarii

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 52
Parchment · II + 166 ff. · 19.9 x 14.7 cm · probably France · beginning of the 12th century
Cicero, De Inventione

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 55
Paper · I + 163 + I ff. · 28 x 20.5 cm · Italy · first half of the 14th century
Dante, Inferno e Purgatorio (Codex Guarneri)

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 67
Parchment · I + 83 + II ff. · 27.7 x 22 cm · second half of the 13th century
Gui de Warewic ; Wace, Geoffroy

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 89
Parchment · 79 + 1 ff. · 21.2 x 12.5 cm · France · 12th century
Horatius, Opera (cum glossis)

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 96-1
Parchment · II + 314 + II ff. · 35 x 25 cm · France · beginning of the 15th century (1410-1430)
Guiron le Courtois

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 96-2
Parchment · II + 286 + II ff. · 35 x 25 cm · France · beginning of the 15th century (1410-1430)
Guiron le Courtois

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 116
Parchment · I + 205 + I ff. · 32 x 21.5 cm · France · beginning of the 14th century
Prophecies de Merlin in prose

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 117
Paper · I + 260 + I ff. · 26.8 x 19.5 cm · Bavaria · second quarter of the 15th century
Nibelungenlied, Maihingen Manuscript

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 130
Parchment · I + 185 + III ff. · 20 x 12 cm · Italy (Padua) · around 1500
Petrarch, Triumphi

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 143
Parchment · III + 220 + II ff. · 34 x 24.6 cm · France · around 1440
Benevenutus Imolensis, Romuleon

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 151
Paper · 192 ff. · 21.1 x 14.5 cm · bavarian-franconian region · 1402
Seifrit, Alexander

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 160
Paper · II + 247 + II ff. · 27.6 x 19.2 cm · France · 1469
History of Thebes and History of Troy

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 189
Parchment · II + 148 + III ff. · 22.3 x 14 cm · France · around 1310
Les Vœux du paon [by Jacques de Longuyon]

Online Since: 03/25/2009

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 48
Paper · II + 247 + VI ff. · 28.7 x 19.5 cm · England · third quarter of the 15th century
Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (to l. 1061)

Online Since: 12/09/2008

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 10
Parchment · 251 ff. · 26.6 x 19.3 cm · France · 13th century
Aristoteles, Opera; Avicenna, De congelatione seu De mineralibus; Nicolaus Damasceus, De plantis; Costa-Ben-Luca, De differentia spiritus et animae; Alexander Aphrodisiensis, Opera

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 30
Parchment · 163 + 16 ff. · 22.7 x 15.7 cm · Southern Germany · around 1200 / 13th / 14th centuries
Calendarium (Prayer calendar), Latin Bible selections: Liber Psalmorum, Cantica with prayers; Hymns, etc.

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 56
Paper · 218 ff. · 32.3 x 22 cm · end of the 14th century
Dante, Divine Comedy (Codice Ricasoli Firidolfi)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 62
Paper · I + 51 + I ff. · 21.1 x 15.1 cm · Southeast Germany · second half of the 14th century
Spiritual Poems · Hartmann von Aue: Gregorius · Frauenlob: Mary's Song (also called Frauenlob's Song of Songs) · Meister Albrant: Horse Medicine (Erlau composite manuscript or "Sammelhandschrift")

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 72
Parchment · 333 ff. · 34.5 x 25 cm · Bohemia (northwestern), Upper Franconia, southern Vogtland · first quarter of the 14th century
Collected short Middle High German works in rhyming couplets (the "Kalocsa-Kodex"; "Gesamtabenteuer")

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 91
Paper · 389 ff. · 29.2 x 20 cm · South Tyrol (Carthusian monastery of Allerengelberg?) · 1468
Hugo von Trimberg: Der Renner · Johann Hartlieb: Alexanderroman

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 93
Parchment · 59 ff. · 23.2 x 16.2 cm · France · end of the 14th century
Jacques de Cessoles, Echecs moralisés

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 94
Parchment · 116 ff. · 13.8 x 10.2 cm · Italy · 14th century
Jacopone da Todi, Laudi (Laudario Mortara)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 98
Parchment · 169 ff. · 30 x 20.5 cm · Italy (Nonantola) · 9th century (first half)
Flavius Iosephus, Antiquitates iudaicae

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 99
Parchment · 210 ff. · 29.8 x 20.5 cm · Italy (Nonantola) · 9th century (first half?)
Flavius Iosephus, De bello iudaico

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 105-1
Paper · IV + 514 + IV pp. · 38.3 x 27.5 cm · France · 15th century
Lancelot propre

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 105-2
Paper · IV + 346 + IV pp. · 38.3 x 27.5 cm · France · 15th century
Lancelot propre

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 105-3
Paper · VIII + 420 + IV pp. · 38.3 x 27.5 cm · France · 15th century
Lancelot propre

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 105-4
Paper · VIII + 352 + VI pp. · 38.3 x 27.5 cm · France · 15th century
Queste del saint Graal; Mort le roi Artu

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 132
Parchment · 48 ff. · 34.2 x 23.1 cm · Italy · 13th century (second half)
Petrus de Vinea, Epistulae

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 155
Parchment · 83 ff. · 26.3 x 19.2 cm · Southeast Germany · middle of the 14th century
Der Stricker, Short Poems · Rudolf von Ems, Parables from Barlaam and Josaphat (Nikolsburger Bispelhandschrift)

Online Since: 12/20/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 7
Parchment · 59 ff. · 20.8 x 14.2 cm · Italy, Naples · 15th century
Genus Arati

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 14
Parchment · 263 ff. · 43.5 x 27.2 cm · Italy, Bologna (?) · 14th century
Hazo Bononiensis . Hugolinus Bononiensis . Iohannes Bassianus . Placentinus

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 21
Parchment · 347 ff. · 28 x 23.5 cm · Spain (?) · 13th century
Tanach/Hebrew Bible

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 61
Parchment · I + 108 + I ff. · 24.5 x 16.5 cm · Netherlands · about 1400-1405
Eike von Repgow: Sachsenspiegel

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 74
Parchment · 128 ff. · 31.2 x 19.6 cm · Rome · 1071
Gradual · Tropary · Sequentiary.

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 75
Parchment · 282 ff. · 46.3 x 29.2 cm · Bologne · 13th-14th centuries or beginning of the 14th century
Gratianus, Decretum (cum glossa ordinaria)

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 77
Parchment · 112 ff. · 14 x 9 cm · central Italy · 12th century
Guido Aretinus, Micrologus; Prologus in Antiphonarium; De ignoto cantu; Regulae rhythmicae

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 78
Parchment · 88 ff. · 32.5 x 23 cm · Italy, Venice · 14th century (around 1370?)
Guido de Columnis, Historia destructionis Troiae

Online Since: 07/31/2007

Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 83
Paper · 62 ff. · 30 x 20 cm · Hesse · last third of the 14th century
Heinrich of Veldeke, Eneide

Online Since: 07/31/2007