This theological miscellany is composed of four parts (I: pp. 3–122; II: pp. 123–215; III: pp. 216–231; IV: pp. 232–243) and is written by multiple hands in a gothic book cursive. Only the first initial has been executed. The first four gatherings, written in a single column, contain Marquard von Lindau's treatise De reparatione hominis (pp. 3–122). On the last page of this part (p. 122) appears the 1553–1564 library stamp of Abbot Diethelm Blarer of St. Gall. On the next four gatherings is Henry of Friemar's commentary Expositio decem praeceptorum, written in two columns (pp. 123a–213b). The next quire contains the 1398 report Determinatio magistrorum sacrae theologiae sanctae universitatis studii Pragensis concerning the theses of the Ulm master Johannes Münzinger (p. 216-230). The last gathering contains a text that begins Vas electionis est non plus sapere quam opportet… (pp. 232–238). Except for the last gathering, all parts have marginalia or manicules (p. 134), which have been trimmed. On the back of the endpaper (p. 245) is written and drawn with pen: the ownership mark, Liber monasterii sancti Galli, a face and the purchase statement, Anno domini MCCCCX [the X is crossed out?] XXII [1422 or 1432] […] emi Henricus Lútenrieter hunc librum a domino Nycolao … Hallensium. The cover is wrapped in parchment reused from a will, the inside of which is lined with linen cloth in a coarse plain weave, and has now partially detached in front. The will, written in early New High German, the front half can be read: Ich phaff Berhtolt der horiden [?] von Ehingen […] und der darnach in dem acht und súbentzigesten iar […]. The gatherings are directly chain-stitched to the thick leather spine lining. On the front of the wrapper is written in a contemporary hand a table of contents. The St. Gallen librarian Jodokus Metzler produced another table of contents, which he glued to the front flyleaf (p. 1). The pagination (pp. 1–245) has an error: there are two p. 143s.
Online Since: 09/06/2023
This volume contains the translations into German of the lives of St. Gall saints, as well as occasional poems by the preacher, poet and musician Anton Widenmann (1597-1641) of St. Gall Cathedral. Pages 29-129 contain the translation of the life of Gallus by Walafrid, pp. 283-317, 321-403, 407-448 and 459-481 contain the translations of the lives of Otmar, Notker and Wiborada, and pp. 487-562 contain those of St. Gall monks such as Iso, Ratpert and many more. Pages 273-282 contain Widenmann's translations of hymns to Gallus and Otmar (in part with musical notation); there are more liturgical chants on pp. 448-458. The codex concludes with occasional poems for holidays on pp. 563-613. In addition, on pp. 1-28 and 131-271, it contains five dialogues between a Catholic cleric and a Protestant from Toggenburg about religious questions, probably recorded by Abbot Pius Reher.
Online Since: 06/13/2019