Richardus, de Sancto Victore (1110-1173)
This composite manuscript from the second half of the 13th century is written in early Gothic minuscule; it consists of five parts. Among other items, it contains the Beniamin minor by Richard of Saint Victor, various writings by Hugh of Saint Victor, the De sermone domini in monte secundum Matthaeum by Augustine and the De cognitione humanae conditionis by Bernard of Clairvaux. The last page contains notes about recipes and healing blessings.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Beniamin minor. (2r-52r)
Incipit: Beniamin adolescentulus in mentis excessu: Audiant adolescentuli
Explicit: in deosculatione Beniamin et Ioseph divine revelationi humana ratio applaudit.
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- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, in a strikingly narrow format, was created in Mainz and, as a gift from the Carthusians living there, it later came to the Carthusian monastery of Basel. It contains a large number of short and very short texts: in addition to some sermons, it mainly contains excerpts from theological, church historical and political treatises, including some in German.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Per studium assiduae meditationis (72v)
Incipit: Richardus in libro de archa mistica. Si ergo per studium meditacionis assidue cor nostrum inhabitare ceperimus
Explicit: virtute non esse quid significat. Hec ille
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- Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Basilius, Caesariensis (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Caesarius, Heisterbacensis (Author) | Cassianus, Johannes (Author) | Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (Author) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Eusebius, Caesariensis (Author) | Galfredus, de Vinosalvo (Author) | Gratianus, de Clusio (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Gregorius, Nazianzenus (Author) | Groote, Geert (Author) | Grosseteste, Robertus (Author) | Guilelmus, Parisiensis (Author) | Henricus, de Calcar (Author) | Henricus, de Langenstein (Author) | Hildegard, von Bingen, Heilige (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Johannes, Damascenus (Author) | Johannes, Zotzenheim (Author) | Konrad, von Soltau (Author) | Leo I, Papa (Author) | Prosper, de Aquitania (Author) | Remigius, Altissiodorensis (Author) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) Found in: Standard description
This composite manuscript, comprising originally separate parts from the holdings of St. Leonhard Monastery in Basel, contains, among others, texts by Hugh of Saint Victor and Thomas à Kempis. Among the volume's shorter pieces are two German texts (“Fünf Mittel gegen die Ungeduld” and “Zwölf Zeichen der Minne”), as well as three small glossaries: one Hebrew-Latin, one Greek-Latin and one Latin-German. The intact thorn-clasp on the coeval binding is also noteworthy.
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Allegoriae veteris et novi testamenti (2r-48r)
Incipit: Allegorie quinque librorum Moysi. Capitulum primum. >Hugonis de sancto Victore<. In precedentibus premissa descriptione originis et discretionis artium et quorundam aliorum ortum cursum et occasum omnium regnorum
Explicit: et summus bonus deus conversatur et non peribit
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- Ambrosius, Mediolanensis (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Author) | Henricus, de Frimaria (Author) | Henricus, de Langenstein (Author) | Jacobus, Mediolanensis (Author) | Johannes, Burkardi (Scribe) | Johannes, Guallensis (Author) | Nider, Johannes (Author) | Otloh, de Sancto Emmeramo (Author) | Petrus, Aureoli (Author) | Petrus, de Braco (Author) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Thomas, von Kempen (Author) Found in: Standard description
Four bifolia (1 quire) from a manuscript written in France with the Beniamin minor by Richard of Saint-Victor. Unfortunately, the origin cannot be determined more precisely from the partly cut owner's note on folio 1. In 1632, the fragment came to Bern as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Richardus de Sancto Victore: Beniamin minor (Fragment). Found in: Standard description
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Beniamin minor [Anfang]. Found in: Standard description
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Richardus de Sancto Victore: Beniamin minor, Cap. 1–20. (1r–8v)
Incipit: >B
Explicit: pene reprimere irritacionem culpe et cogitaciones cogitacionibus castigare
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- Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
The back label names the three original titles: Tractatus de septem donis spiritus sancti. Sermones super Cantica. Itinera eternitatis fratris Rudolfi de Bibraco. The scribe Bernoldus is named on f. 70r (probably 2nd half of the 14th century). Preserved in the present volume are: the alphabetical subject index for De septem donis (f. 1r-3v), the index for the Itinera eternitatis (20r-24r), the text of the Itinera itself (f. 29r-70r), and some additional sermons. Lost are the texts De septem donis and Sermones super Cantica. Friedrich von Amberg provided usage instructions for the subject indexes. He also thoroughly corrected and annotated the text of the Itinera eternitatis. Amberg had the texts bound in Fribourg/Switzerland.
Online Since: 10/08/2020
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Mysticae adnotationes in Psalmos. (6vb–8vb)
Incipit: Montes exultaverunt (Ps 113,4). Grande spectaculum videre montes exultare
Explicit: cor nostrum incalescat, anima inardescat, spiritus incandescat in orando et psallendo: Montes exultaverunt ut arietes et colles sicut agni ovium.
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- Fridericus, de Amberg (Annotator) | Fridericus, de Amberg (Former possessor) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Rudolfus, de Biberaco (Author) Found in: Standard description
This breviary dating from the second half of the 15th century contains assorted offices of the Proprium de sanctis in two parts as well as the text In dedicatione ecclesiae, a short collection of sermons for the celebration of church dedications (Richard of Saint Victor, Augustine, Eusebius ‹Gallicanus›, Bernard of Clairvaux) and the Creed. This manuscript displays the hand of Cordula von Schönau, the Dominican nun from the cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, whose hand is also found in codex Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 3.
Online Since: 12/21/2010
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: ›Sermo primus‹ aus dem ›Liber exceptionum‹, II,10 (p. 608b-610a:)
Incipit: Habet igitur eccleasia singulos lapidas per singulos fideles
Explicit: Talem ergo vitam fratres agamus ut dei lapide esse possimus. Tu autem.
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- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Eusebius, Gallicanus (Author) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Eusebius, Gallicanus (Author) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Additional description
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Eusebius, Gallicanus (Author) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Additional description
Coming from the women's convent near the church of Sankt Leonhard in Saint Gall (p. 4), this paper manuscript transmits two works by Richard of Saint Victor (ca. 1110-1173), considered as forerunners of fourteenth-century “speculative mysticism”. The first text, Benjamin maior (pp. 4a-97a), is also known under the name of De contemplatione [eiusque commendatione], as it appears on the label glued to the spine of the codex. Each of the five books starts with a painted initial that is larger than those introducing the paragraphs and extends into the margins. Then follows the same author's Benjamin minor (pp. 97a-144a). The volume was copied by a single scribe who, while not leaving a name, copied a colophon common to many manuscripts: Explicit iste liber sit scriptor crimine liber. The last two columns of this volume (pp. 144b-145a) were copied by a different hand, which transcribes two chapters from the De spiritu et anima (inc.: Nobilis creatura est anima…, PL 40, col. 807-809), a text that was for a long time attributed to Augustine, but in fact dates to the twelfth century. The gothic binding dates from the 14th or 15th century. The wooden boards were covered with reused pieces of leather.
Online Since: 05/31/2024
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore: Liber Benjamin major et minor Found in: Standard description
- Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description