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e-codices newsletter

The e-codices newsletter provides information about the latest updates, highlights, and activities of our project and appears about 4-5 times per year.
We are delighted to count you among our readers!

The e-codices team

In this issue
  1. 54 new manuscripts, five new collections and two new projects
  2. The Virgil manuscripts from the Burgerbibliothek of Bern
  3. New collections
  4. Biblioteca Sefarad - another private library on e-codices
  5. Support from the René und Susanne Braginsky Foundation
  6. New focus of e-codices: Autographs
  7. Autograph of Grimm’s Fairy Tales
  8. Christmas Greetings
December 2015

Issue N° 22
54 new manuscripts, five new collections and two new projects
e-codices has digitally edited no fewer than 54 additional digital manuscripts from 15 different libraries, of these five new collections. In addition, we are taking on two new projects. As part of the project "Braginsky Collection on e-codices," we will publish not only more manuscripts, but also Megillot (Esther scrolls) and Ketubbot (marriage contracts). The project „The Bodmer autograph collection“ will make accessible the most important autographs from this unique collection.

Krakow, Jagiellonian Library, Depositum (Ms. Berol. Theol. Lat. Qu. 11), f. 144r – Tropary-Sequentiary


Bern, Burgerbibliothek, Cod. 165, f. 2r – Vergilius: Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis / Scholia Turonensia

The Virgil manuscripts from the Burgerbibliothek of Bern
The Burgerbibliothek of Bern owns a series of outstanding Virgil manuscripts, among which the scholia have become particularly famous among scholars. The Bernese Virgil scholia in their pure form can be found in Cod. 172 (Ecl., Georg., Aen. I-V; Paris, BnF, lat. 7929 owns Aen. VI-XII of the same manuscript, cf. on Gallica, created in the second third of the 9th century, presumably in the area around Paris, perhaps Saint-Denis) and Cod. 167 (Ecl., Geog., Aen.). Cod. 165 (Ecl., Georg., Aen.) originated in Tours and contains a compilation of various traditions, which has survived only in this manuscript.
New collections
At the beginning of this year, we contacted several Swiss collections that often hold only a few manuscripts each. Their interest was overwhelming. Several small collections were made accessible in earlier updates this year. In this update we include the Dokumentationsstelle Oberer Zürichsee in Wädenswil, the Landesarchiv Appenzell Innerrhoden in Appenzell and the Mémoires d’Ici - Centre de recherche et de documentation du Jura bernois in Saint-Imier. Other collections, including some that are otherwise difficult to access, will follow next year.

Appenzell, Landesarchiv Appenzell Innerrhoden, M.03.02/PfAA A 2.1, f. 7r – Appenzell Missal


Montreux, Bibliotheca Sefarad, Ms. J 4, recto – Privilege (copy)

Biblioteca Sefarad - another private library on e-codices
e-codices has made a name for itself as the preferred digital library for private manuscript collections in Switzerland. We are pleased to introduce the Biblioteca Sefarad, located on Lake Geneva. This is a private library about Jewish culture; it specializes in Judaism, the Spanish Inquisition and Sephardism. As initial pieces we present a charter (“priuilegium”) from December 17, 1475 (in a copy from 1478) and the “Lumen ad revelationem gentium et gloriam plebis Dei Israel, de unitate fidei et de concordi et pacifica aequalitate fidelium”, the most important work by Alonso de Oropesa OSH († 1469); the Latin text has not yet been edited, but a Castilian translation was prepared in 1979 based on the three manuscripts known to date.
Support from the René und Susanne Braginsky Foundation
The René und Susanne Braginsky Foundation has made a generous donation to e-codices. This general donation will, inter alia, help to promote the digital publication of Jewish sources and support the digital publication of more manuscripts from the Braginsky collection on e-codices.