This manuscript consists of four codicological units; it was written around 1505 by the two Dominican nuns Cordula von Schönau (Constance, previously St. Gall) and Regina Sattler (St. Gall) at and for the Cloister of the Dominican Nuns of Zoffingen in Constance. For this codex, the two sisters copied the poems in dialogue form Kreuztragende Minne and Christus und die minnende Seele, the prose dialogue Disput zwischen der minnenden Seele und unserem Herrn, Henry Suso's Exemplar (without the Büchlein der ewigen Weisheit) as well as 15 of his open letters, the Tösser Schwesternbuch, the legends of Elizabeth of Hungary, Margaret of Hungary, and Louis of Toulouse, the Vierzig Myrrhenbüschel vom Leiden Christi , the story of the founding of the Cloister of the Dominican Nuns St. Katharinental near Diessenhofen, and the St. Katharinentaler Schwesternbuch.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
The Eidgenössische Chronik by Werner Schodoler (1490-1541) is in chronological order the last of the illustrated Swiss Chronicles of the late Middle Ages. It was written by private initiative between 1510 and 1535 and took as its model primarily the Official Bernese Chronicle - Amtliche Berner Chronik - by Diebold Schilling and the Chronicle - Kronica - by Petermann Etterlin. This volume, the first of the three volumes of the chronicle, covers the history from the legendary origin of Zurich and Lucerne up to Antipope John XXIII's flight from Constance (1415). Although space was left for illustrations, they were not realized (except those of 12v). Today the three volumes are held in different libraries: the first volume is in the Leopold-Sophien-Bibliothek in Überlingen, the second in the City Archives in Bremgarten, and the third in the Cantonal Library of Aargau.
Online Since: 12/20/2012