A list of Swiss saints in chronological order, from St. Beatus to Nicolaus Rusca and the Capuchin Fidelis. Decorated with pen and ink drawings with blue wash by the painter Hans Asper of Constance. Murer's model for the Helvetia Sancta most likely was the Bavaria Sancta by Matthäus Rader, published in Munich in 1615.
Online Since: 12/13/2013
This small-format volume was donated to the State Archives in 1988. An ownership note on the flyleaf suggests that it originated in the area of Southern Germany. The little book, written in an unskilled script, contains recipes and instructions, some of which border on magic.
Online Since: 10/13/2016
The bridal couple, Menahem, son of the deceased R. Samuel Paliano, and Angelica, daughter of Moses Paliano, were members of one of the most respected and richest Jewish families in Rome, as attested by the dowry of 2,500 scudi in cash and an increment of 500 scudi. Delicate rose flowers and tendrils, as well as flying and perching birds are arranged around two concentric oval fields. The family emblem of the Paliani (or Pagliani) family appears above and below the larger oval. The inner oval contains the marriage contract in square script in gold. The outer oval is decorated with careful complete copies of the books Song of Songs, Ecclesiastes, and Ruth, with traditional verses and with biblical benedictions. This micrography is artfully shaped into interlaced scrolls and labyrinthine designs. The leopard, the eagle, the stag and the lion symbolize virtues which, according to Pirkei Avot 5:23, Jews should faithfully observe.
Online Since: 12/12/2019