Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (1459-1531)
German language lectionary with the Epistles and Gospel readings according to the Church year (Proprium de tempore; Proprium de sanctis and Commune sanctorum) from the Dominican Cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, copied in the year 1483 from a model belonging to the Cloister of St. Katherine in Nurnberg by Elisabeth Muntprat, one of the convent's most diligent scribes. Texts from the manuscript were read aloud during the Dominican nuns' meals. Several colored woodcuts are pasted into the manuscript, which came to the Abbey Library of St. Gall around 1780.
Online Since: 12/20/2012
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript, which originated probably in 1484 in the Convent of the Dominican Sisters of St. Katharina in St. Gall, constitutes the first (remaining) half-volume of a collection which, as indicated in the table of contents, originally comprised 151 sermons, organized according to the church year, and in all likelihood meant to be read daily at mealtime. Among others, it contains sermons by Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler, Nikolaus von Straßburg, Rudolf Goltschlacher, Meister Wilhelm, Felix Fabri (?), Jordan von Quedlinburg and several from the corpus of the „St. Georgener“ and „Engelberger Predigten“. Remarkably, regarding the inventory of “Engelberger Predigten”, Cod. Sang. 1066 is exactly complementary to Cod. Sang. 1919 and Wil M 42, which also originated in the Convent of the Dominican sisters of St. Katharina in St. Gall. Cod. Sang. 1919 and Wil M 42 are directly or indirectly based on the same model *C to which also cod. Sang. 1004 and Wil M 47, created 50 years ealier in the St. Gall Benedictine Monastery, owe their selection of Engelberger Predigten; in contrast, Cod. Sang. 1066 is based on a manuscript from text group *Y3, close also to Cod. 752(746) from the library of the Benedictine Monastery of Einsiedeln.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- David, de Augusta (Author) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Engelberger, Prediger (Author) | Fabri, Felix (Author) | Goltschlacher, Rudolf (Author) | Iordanus, de Quedlinburgo (Author) | Meyer, Johannes (Author) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Nicolaus, de Argentina (Author) | Otto, von Passau (Author) | Sankt Georgener, Prediger (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Wilhelm, Meister (Author) Found in: Standard description
- David, de Augusta (Author) | Eckhart, Meister (Author) | Engelberger, Prediger (Author) | Fabri, Felix (Author) | Goltschlacher, Rudolf (Author) | Iordanus, de Quedlinburgo (Author) | Meyer, Johannes (Author) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Nicolaus, de Argentina (Author) | Otto, von Passau (Author) | Sankt Georgener, Prediger (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Wilhelm, Meister (Author) Found in: Additional description
An important copy, in terms of textual history, of the Reformatio Prediger Ordens by the Dominican Johannes Meyer (1422-1482) of Basel. This copy originated in the Dominican cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall, written in 1483 by Sister Elisabeth Muntprat (1459-1531). This work, which was copied from a model belonging to the cloister of St. Katherine in Nurnberg, is a valuable source for the history of the Dominican order in the German speaking world.
Online Since: 12/19/2011
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Greith, Carl Johann (Former possessor) | Meyer, Johannes (Author) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
Formerly referred to in the reseach literature as the "Chronic" or "Chronicle", this was in truth the convent record book of the Cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall (61r:...und sol dis also in des convents buoch gesetz werden...). The content consists of chronologically ordered entries concerning the business transactions of the convent. The manuscript was produced in the course of the reform period, as the convent was converted from private to communal ownership. Thus this convent book served as a record of the transfer of administrative authority of St. Katharina to the convent community itself and made it possible for the sisters to maintain oversight of the goods they had brought with them when they joined the convent. Records concerning building projects, decoration, scriptorium, legal conflicts and donations, entries concerning individual sisters, pastoral staff and employees as well as sporadic entries about the history of the convent were also set down in this manuscript.
Online Since: 07/31/2009
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer, Justina (Scribe) | Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Keller, Regula (Scribe) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
The title of this manuscript is misleading: it does not mean, as it would in formal research, a collection of short biographies of the sisters of a particular cloister written by close associates in the following generation of sisters. On closer examination, the contents of the St. Gall Book of Sisters has two parts, probably composed at the beginning of the 1480s: Part 1, fols. jr-xxiiijv (pp. 5-14r of the new pagination): digests of the history of the cloister during the years 1229-1488, with references to supporting documents. Part 2, fols. xxvir-xxxvjr: letters exchanged between the Dominican nuns of St. Gall and those of the convent of St. Katherine in Nurnberg; fols. xlviijr-CClvjr are not in letter form (without salutations and formulas of greeting, etc.), but rather are records of Nurnberg usances (financial transactions) edited in report form, grouped by themes; fols. CCLIXr-CCLXIVv: a register.
Online Since: 07/31/2009
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Sattler, Regina (Scribe) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description