Thomas, de Aquino (1225-1274)
GND: 118622110
document found
Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, F I 1
Parchment · 283 ff. · 34-35 x 22.5-23 cm · France · beginning of the 14th century
Aristotle: The writings on logic
This manuscript, of French origin, came to the Carthusian Monastery of Basel after having been the property of Johannes Heynlin. The massive volume contains Aristotle's six works on logic, some with commentary, which were assembled into the so-called “Organon“ only after the time of Aristotle. The decoration and science are complementary: each of the books of the main text begins with an elaborate ornamental initial; the commentary, if there is one, is grouped closely around the main text and is mostly unadorned.
Online Since: 03/22/2018
- Albertus, Magnus (Commentator) | Aristoteles (Author) | Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (Author) | Gilbertus, Porretanus (Author) | Heynlin, Johannes (Former possessor) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Porphyrius (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Scribe) Found in: Standard description