Varnbühler, Angela (1441-1509)
This folio-size manuscript contains a single text, the Gemahelschaft Christi mit der gläubigen Seele (redaction: Es spricht ain haidischer maister es sy besser und nützer), an extensive and still-unedited book of monastic edification. The anonymous author may have been an Augustinian Hermit; his readership largely consisted in female religious communities. Indeed, the present manuscript comes from such a community; based on a comparison of scripts, it was copied and dated by Angela Varnbühler, the chronicler and long-time prioress of the convent of St. Catherine in St. Gall (colophon on p. 842/843). In the run-up to the Reformation, the librarian Regula Keller sent this manuscript and another (today lost) to the women's community in Appenzell, as reported by the letter accompanying the shipment that is pasted on p. 2. From there, the codex went to Wonnenstein Cloister, and in 1782 to the Abbey Library (ownership entry by P. Pius Kolb on p. 4). Two entries from 1584 attest that a certain Hans Bart had das Buoch gelernet (p. 1 and p. 845). The manuscript is laid out in two columns and rubricated throughout. A bookmark and a single leaf from a post-incunable breviary printed in the workshop of Erhard Ratdolt in Augsburg are inserted. Between pp. 839 and 840 many leaves have been removed (loss of text). Unadorned leather binding, contemporary with the text, with two clasps (one lost). On the wooden boards the offsets of two German-language charters are visible.
Online Since: 09/22/2022
- Pater Pius Kolb (Former possessor) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
Composite manuscript with sermons and spiritual instructions, written around 1487 in the Dominican cloister St. Katharinen in St. Gall by the prioress Angela Varnbüeler. Among others, the volume contains a detailed sermon about Saint Clare of Assisi, into which is incorporated her vita; an open letter from a father to his spiritual children, attributed to a Franciscan monk; a sermon about suffering, death and the sacraments (an interpretation of John 16,21); and a meditation Von der Maß des gaistlichen Crutz, falsely attributed to Anselm of Canterbury.
Online Since: 10/07/2013
- Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Cordula, von Schönau (Former possessor) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
- Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Cordula, von Schönau (Former possessor) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript contains the Psalms, ordered according to the arrangement of the liturgy of the hours, in Latin and each followed by the German translation. It was copied by two woman scribes, nuns in the Dominican Convent of St. Katharina in St. Gall. One hand is probably that of Angela Varnbühler. The binding consists of simple wooden tablets, covered in leather without any ornamentation, which is typical for the first phase of the St. Katharina scriptorium; it constitutes an additional element to attest to the origin of the manuscript.
Online Since: 04/23/2013
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
Formerly referred to in the reseach literature as the "Chronic" or "Chronicle", this was in truth the convent record book of the Cloister of St. Katharina in St. Gall (61r:...und sol dis also in des convents buoch gesetz werden...). The content consists of chronologically ordered entries concerning the business transactions of the convent. The manuscript was produced in the course of the reform period, as the convent was converted from private to communal ownership. Thus this convent book served as a record of the transfer of administrative authority of St. Katharina to the convent community itself and made it possible for the sisters to maintain oversight of the goods they had brought with them when they joined the convent. Records concerning building projects, decoration, scriptorium, legal conflicts and donations, entries concerning individual sisters, pastoral staff and employees as well as sporadic entries about the history of the convent were also set down in this manuscript.
Online Since: 07/31/2009
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Blarer, Justina (Scribe) | Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Keller, Regula (Scribe) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
The title of this manuscript is misleading: it does not mean, as it would in formal research, a collection of short biographies of the sisters of a particular cloister written by close associates in the following generation of sisters. On closer examination, the contents of the St. Gall Book of Sisters has two parts, probably composed at the beginning of the 1480s: Part 1, fols. jr-xxiiijv (pp. 5-14r of the new pagination): digests of the history of the cloister during the years 1229-1488, with references to supporting documents. Part 2, fols. xxvir-xxxvjr: letters exchanged between the Dominican nuns of St. Gall and those of the convent of St. Katherine in Nurnberg; fols. xlviijr-CClvjr are not in letter form (without salutations and formulas of greeting, etc.), but rather are records of Nurnberg usances (financial transactions) edited in report form, grouped by themes; fols. CCLIXr-CCLXIVv: a register.
Online Since: 07/31/2009
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
- Cordula, von Schönau (Scribe) | Muntprat von Spiegelberg, Elisabeth (Scribe) | Sattler, Regina (Scribe) | Varnbühler, Angela (Scribe) Found in: Standard description