Weidmann, Franz (1774-1843)
First volume of the handwritten manuscript catalog by Abbey Librarian P. Franz Weidmann (1774−1843; Abbey Librarian 1836−1843), for the manuscripts no. 1 to 337A of the Abbey Library of St. Gall. Weidmann's manuscript descriptions are comprehensive and detailed, but, according to Johannes Duft in his 1983 history of the cataloguing of the manuscripts of the St. Gall Abbey Library, “unausgeglichen” (unbalanced). The manuscripts are usually described as follows: shelfmark, format, writing material, number of pages, and a the end the “character” of the manuscript and its dating. Cod. Sang. 1689 contains the draft of the first two parts of Weidmann's manuscript catalog (Cod. Sang. 1-689).
Online Since: 10/08/2015
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Weidmann, Franz (Author) Found in: Standard description
Second part of the handwritten manuscript catalog by Abbey Librarian P. Franz Weidmann (1774−1843; Abbey Librarian 1836−1843), for the manuscripts no. 337B to 689 of the Abbey Library of St. Gall. Weidmann's manuscript descriptions are comprehensive and detailed, but, according to Johannes Duft in his 1983 history of the cataloguing of the manuscripts of the St. Gall Abbey Library, “unausgeglichen” (unbalanced). The manuscripts are usually described as follows: shelfmark, format, writing material, number of pages, and a the end the “character” of the manuscript and its dating. Cod. Sang. 1689 contains the draft of the first two parts of Weidmann's manuscript catalog (Cod. Sang. 1-689).
Online Since: 10/08/2015
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Weidmann, Franz (Author) Found in: Standard description
Draft of a third part of the handwritten manuscript catalog by Abbey Librarian P. Franz Weidmann (1774−1843; Abbey Librarian 1836−1843), for the manuscripts no. 690 to 1399 of the Abbey Library of St. Gall. Weidmann's manuscript descriptions are comprehensive and detailed, but, according to Johannes Duft in his 1983 history of the cataloguing of the manuscripts of the St. Gall Abbey Library, “unausgeglichen” (unbalanced). The descriptions often contain pages of remarks regarding the content of the codices, which is considered in great detail. The manuscripts are usually described as follows: shelfmark, format, writing material, number of pages, and a the end the “character” of the manuscript and its dating. P. Franz Weidmann was able to complete a clean copy of the first two volumes of his manuscript catalog; he passed away prior to starting the third part, so that this exists only as a draft in Cod. Sang. 1405.
Online Since: 10/08/2015
- Arx, Ildefons von (Librarian) | Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Weidmann, Franz (Author) Found in: Standard description
This volume contains mostly the collected notes of St. Gall Abbey librarian P. Franz Weidmann (1774-1843) on the manuscript holdings of the Abbey Library and on the history of St. Gall Abbey and its catchment area; also several alphabetical indexes on the manuscript holdings (subject index, St. Gallen authors, scribes, and owners), copies by Weidmann of texts from St. Gall manuscripts, and excerpts from secondary literature.
Online Since: 10/08/2020
- Pater Pius Kolb (Librarian) | Weidmann, Franz (Author) Found in: Standard description