Hillel ben Šemuʾel, miw-Werona (ca. 1220 - ca. 1295)
This manuscript contains the seven chapters of the aphorisms of Hippocrates in the Hebrew translation of Hillel ben Samuel of Verona (ca. 1220 – ca. 1295); in contrast to other extant translations, it is based on the Latin translation of Constantinus Africanus († before 1098/99) rather than on the Arabic translation from the Greek. The translation is accompanied by the commentary of Moses ben Isaac da Rieti (1388 - after 1460), Chief Rabbi of Rome and poet. His commentary is based largely on the commentaries of Moses Maimonides (1138 - 1240) and of Galen of Pergamum (second century AD). This manuscript preserves the first of two well-known versions of the commentary. The dating is based on the identification of the watermark in the paper.
Online Since: 12/18/2014
- Hillel ben Šemuʾel, miw-Werona (Translator) | Hippocrates (Author) | Rieti, Moše Ben-Yiṣḥāq (Commentator)