Rütschi, Hyazinth (1761-1826)
This necrology was compiled in 1611 from older books of the dead at the behest of Prince-Abbot Bernhard Müller (1594-1630); it replaces the necrology in Cod. Sang. 452. The records were continued until 1847. In addition to abbots, monks and lay brothers from the monastery, the register also lists persons who were admitted into the confraternity as benefactors of the monastery. Later entries indicate the year of death, occasionally also the place of death or of burial. The age of the deceased is mentioned only in exceptional cases. The last pages (pp. 126-131) contain directions for Masses for the dead and similar forms of commemoration of the dead. According to a note by Franz Weidmann (p. 1), after the secularization of the monastery the manuscript temporarily was in the possession of Fr. Aemilianus Hafner, who gave it to the library in 1840.
Online Since: 09/23/2014
- Rütschi, Hyazinth (Annotator) Found in: Standard description
- Rütschi, Hyazinth (Annotator) Found in: Standard description