Hugo, de Sancto Victore (1096-1141)
This composite manuscript from the second half of the 13th century is written in early Gothic minuscule; it consists of five parts. Among other items, it contains the Beniamin minor by Richard of Saint Victor, various writings by Hugh of Saint Victor, the De sermone domini in monte secundum Matthaeum by Augustine and the De cognitione humanae conditionis by Bernard of Clairvaux. The last page contains notes about recipes and healing blessings.
Online Since: 12/17/2015
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
This manuscript, in a strikingly narrow format, was created in Mainz and, as a gift from the Carthusians living there, it later came to the Carthusian monastery of Basel. It contains a large number of short and very short texts: in addition to some sermons, it mainly contains excerpts from theological, church historical and political treatises, including some in German.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
- Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Basilius, Caesariensis (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Caesarius, Heisterbacensis (Author) | Cassianus, Johannes (Author) | Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius (Author) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Eusebius, Caesariensis (Author) | Galfredus, de Vinosalvo (Author) | Gratianus, de Clusio (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Gregorius, Nazianzenus (Author) | Groote, Geert (Author) | Grosseteste, Robertus (Author) | Guilelmus, Parisiensis (Author) | Henricus, de Calcar (Author) | Henricus, de Langenstein (Author) | Hildegard, von Bingen, Heilige (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Johannes, Damascenus (Author) | Johannes, Zotzenheim (Author) | Konrad, von Soltau (Author) | Leo I, Papa (Author) | Prosper, de Aquitania (Author) | Remigius, Altissiodorensis (Author) | Richardus, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (Author) | Tauler, Johannes (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) Found in: Standard description
This small-format paper manuscript from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel is mostly by the hand of the librarian Georg Carpentarius, who for the sake of daily spiritual exercises compiled prayers for various occasions, hymns, meditations and other theological texts. Among the identifiable authors are great ones such as Anselm of Canterbury and Bernard of Clairvaux, as well as lesser known names such as Basilius Phrisius. Two colored prints are glued in the covers: St. George with the dragon (front pastedown) and the Mass of St. Gregory (back pastedown).
Online Since: 12/14/2018
- Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Adamus, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Alantsee, Ambrosius (Author) | Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Bonaventura, Sanctus (Author) | Carpentarii, Georgius (Librarian) | Carpentarii, Georgius (Scribe) | Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius (Author) | Dorlandus, Petrus (Author) | Erasmus, Desiderius (Author) | Gennadius, Scholarius (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Hermannus, Augiensis (Author) | Heynlin, Johannes (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Johannes, Gerson (Author) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Mechthild, von Hackeborn (Author) | Paulus, Diaconus (Author) | Phrisius, Basilius (Author) | Robert I., France, Roi (Author) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) Found in: Standard description
This small-format codex probably is from the Carthusian monastery of Mainz, from where it came to the Carthusian monastery of Basel, where numerous ownership notes were added. It contains a great variety of excerpts from religious, historical and other literature from the Middle Ages and antiquity. The length of the texts also varies considerably: in addition to short excerpts and two- or four-line verses about various things such as popes or bees, there are longer pieces such as Hugh of Fouilloy's De rota verae et falsae religionis or the first half of Paradisus Animae by Pseudo-Albertus Magnus.
Online Since: 06/18/2020
- Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Adamus, de Einesham (Author) | Albertus, Magnus (Author) | Anselm von Canterbury (Author) | Aristoteles (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bernardus, Claraevallensis (Author) | Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (Author) | Cassianus, Johannes (Author) | Cicero, Marcus Tullius (Author) | Eusebius, Caesariensis (Author) | Gratianus, de Clusio (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Henricus, de Langenstein (Author) | Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Hugo, de Folieto (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Hugo, Lincolniensis (Author) | Isaac, Ninivita (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Jacopone, da Todi (Author) | Johannes, Damascenus (Author) | Josephus, Flavius (Author) | Ludolphus, de Saxonia (Author) | Nicolaus, de Lyra (Author) | Ovidius Naso, Publius (Author) | Petrus, Lombardus (Author) | Prosper, de Aquitania (Author) | Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius (Author) | Sallustius Crispus, Gaius (Author) | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (Author) | Valerius Maximus (Author) | Venturinus, de Bergamo (Author) | Vincentius, Bellovacensis (Author) Found in: Standard description
This small-format parchment volume from the Carthusian Monastery of Basel is composed of three originally separate fascicles. The first is decorated with three initials (1r, 53r, 58r) and contains the Stimulus dilectionis by Eckbert of Schönau along with prayers, Penitential Psalms and a Litany of the Saints. This is followed by the fragment of a prayer book, which is missing the beginning as well as the end. The third part contains a compilation from Bonaventure's Soliloquium and Hugh of St. Victor's De vanitate mundi. The heavy soiling of pp. 24-53 (Agenda defunctorum and Penitential Psalms) should be noted; it indicates intensive use of this part of the codex.
Online Since: 10/04/2018
- Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Ambrosius, Mediolanensis (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Benedictus XII, Papa (Author) | Bitz, Wilhelm (Restorer) | Bonaventura, Sanctus (Author) | Ecbertus, Schonaugiensis (Author) | Gregorius I, Papa (Author) | Heinrich Arnoldi (Librarian) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Innocentius III, Papa (Author) | Johannes, Fiscannensis (Author) | Louber, Jakob (Librarian) | Moser, Urban (Librarian) | Thomas, de Aquino (Author) | Urban V., Papst (Author) | Vullenhoe, Heinrich von (Scribe) Found in: Standard description
Two bifolia from a manuscript produced in France. The fragment contains, in addition to Walter Map's Praedicatio Goliae and the beginning of Hugh of Saint Victor's De quinque septenis, one or two homilies that have not yet been identified. The fragment came to Bern in 1632 as part of the property of Jacques Bongars.
Online Since: 07/12/2021
- Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Bongars, Jacques (Former possessor) | Gravisset, Jakob von (Former possessor) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Map, Walter (Author) Found in: Standard description
This French manuscript, probably incomplete, contains the commentary on the Psalms (Ps. 101-117, f. 1r-110v and 113r-136v) by Augustine of Hippo. De meditatione by Hugh of Saint Victor was inserted between Ps. 108 (f. 110v) and Ps. 109 (f. 113v). This manuscript probably comes from the manuscript collection of Hautecombe Abbey in Savoy, which was acquired by Archbishop Giacinto della Torre of Turin (1747-1814) for thearchdiocese's seminary library, which was later dispersed. The manuscript was acquired in 1957 from the book dealer Hoepli in Milan by Martin Bodmer.
Online Since: 06/23/2014
- Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Bodmer, Martin (Former possessor) | Hoepli, Ulrico (Seller) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
The bulk of this codex contains Hugh of Saint Victor's De sacramentis fidei christianae (10r-147r). Preceding it are two short treatises on the Antichrist (Ps.-Augustine 1r-6v and Peter Damian 6v-10r), and after it comes a collection of opinions of and excerpts from Hrabanus Maurus' De universo. With very few exceptions, 1-44 are palimpsests. The pages towards the end have many large holes and tears or are partially excised; one folio, between 10 and 11r, is missing entirely. The writing is characterized by several changes of ink and hand, and the page ruling is not uniform. Except for simple red and black initials and rubricated lines, there is no book decoration whatsoever. A pair of marginal notes appear on 112v. Although the codex contains no univocal indication that it was produced in Engelberg, a few similarities with the volumes produced under Abbot Frowin (1143-1178) suggest it.
Online Since: 10/04/2011
- Adso, Dervensis (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Petrus, Damiani (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Adso, Dervensis (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Petrus, Damiani (Author) Found in: Additional description
- Adso, Dervensis (Author) | Augustinus, Aurelius (Author) | Hrabanus, Maurus (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Petrus, Damiani (Author) Found in: Additional description
This manuscript contains predominantly hagiographical texts, written in various hands at the beginning of the 13th century. One could reasonably propose that it originated at Hauterive. Without doubt, the text at the beginning of the collection was most important for the monks, a Vita of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (the Vita prima), which takes up the greatest part of the manuscript. Also worth noting is a text quite surprising in a monastic context: the Liber locorum sanctorum terrae Jerusalem at the time of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem by Fretellus of Nazareth († after 1154). Another particularity of the manuscript is its binding with flaps that show traces of metalwork in the shape of a star.
Online Since: 04/09/2014
- Arnoldus, Bonavallis (Author) | Beda, Venerabilis (Author) | Fretellus (Author) | Godefridus, Altissiodorensis (Author) | Gremaud, Jean (Librarian) | Guilelmus, de Sancto Theodorico (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
This collection of prayers and treatises was written by Rudolf Schilling and is dated to 1493. An intercessory prayer mentions Duke Sigmund of Habsburg.
Online Since: 12/20/2016
- Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) Found in: Standard description
- Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Marquard, von Lindau (Author) | Otto, von Passau (Author) Found in: Standard description
This paper manuscript, copied in the fourteenth century by many hands, is a collection of spiritual texts. It has two fifteenth-century ex libris of the Abbey Library (p. 1), as well as the stamp of Abbot Diethelm Blarer, from between 1553 and 1564 (p. 64). On the top pastedown appears a table of contents contemporary to the fifteenth-century half binding in red leather. An excerpt from the Stimulus amoris (III, 17) starts the book (pp. 1-9). It is followed by a widely-copied book by the Franciscan Bonaventure, De triplice via, also known under the title Incendium amoris (pp. 10-25), and then a treatise on the eight beatitudes (pp. 25-36). Passages from John Chrysostom's De reparatione lapsi appear in two different places in this manuscript (pp. 41-54 and 186-193). Hugh of Saint Victor's Soliloquium de arra animae, also widely copied in the Middle Ages, follows on pages 54-64 (Goy 1976, n° 94). Finally, this volume contains the Speculum humanae salvationis (pp. 65-171), extended with two of its three non-typological chapters, De septem stationibus passionis Christi (pp. 171-177) and De septem tristitiis B. V. Mariae (pp. 177-185). Contrary to normal practice, this text is not illustrated; even the fact that it is rhymed is hardly observable, since it is copied continuously.
Online Since: 05/31/2024
- Bonaventura, Sanctus (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Johannes, Chrysostomus (Author) Found in: Standard description
Cod. Sang. 1398a is one of eight fragment volumes (that is, volumes that contain exclusively fragments) of the Abbey Library of St. Gall. Between 1774 and 1785, the St. Gall monks Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger (1756–1823) and Ildefons von Arx (1755–1833) detached numerous fragments from bindings in which they had served for centuries as pastedowns, flyleaves, spine linings, and endleaf guards. At an advanced age, Ildefons von Arx had the fragments bound in eight thematically-organized bindings and dedicated these in 1822 to his friend Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger. Chiefly in the twentieth century, researchers found additional, small fragments in bindings, from which they were then removed and added to the existing fragment volumes or into the collection of fragments. Before 1875, 121 folios were removed from Cod. Sang. 1398 and bound in a separate volume, Cod. Sang. 1398b. The old volume with the remaining folios received the shelfmark Cod. Sang. 1398a. From 2003 to 2004 the extensive fragment volume Cod. Sang. 1398a was disbound for conservation reasons. The fragments were rebound (in the same sequence) in 14 folders (“Ganzpapierbroschuren”). The new, now authoritative pagination begins with 1 in each folder and includes only the fragments (and not the empty paper leaves). To be cited (for example): St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1398a.1, pp. 1-2 (= Cod. Sang. 1398a, Folder 1, pages 1-2). The fourteenth folder of Cod. Sang. 1398a contains fragments from five manuscripts. They transmit, among others, the De sacramentis christiane fidei (p. 1-4) by Hugh of Saint-Victor and a commentary on the Doctrinale by Alexander of Villedieu (p. 9-12), from the twelfth to the fourteenth century.
Online Since: 09/06/2023
- Alexander, de Villa Dei (Author) | Faustus, Reiensis (Author) | Honorius, Augustodunensis (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Isidorus, Hispalensis (Author) | Langton, Stephanus (Author) Found in: Standard description
This Engelberg codex, currently held in Carinthia, typifies the painstaking yet unostentatious method of manuscript production practiced under Abbot Frowin (1143-1178), to whom the volume is dedicated on 1r. At the beginnings of the primary texts are indications for planned initials (1v, 103v), or completed initials in red and black ink (2r), with incipits in red ink. Otherwise there is little book decoration other than a few decorative capitals (including the one at the beginning of the last text on 145r). The artful application of patches to damaged sections of the parchment, typical for Engelberg, is also evident (18, 59, 62, 141, 154).
Online Since: 07/04/2012
- Frowinus, de Monte Angelorum (Patron) | Guitmundus, de Aversa (Author) | Hugo, de Sancto Victore (Author) | Lanfrancus, Cantuariensis (Author) Found in: Standard description