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Parchment · II + 203 ff. · 27.5 x 17.5 cm · ca. 1483-1503
Noël de Fribois, Abrégé des chroniques de France, followed by two sequels; Giovanni Candida, Mémoire sur les rois de Sicile; excerpts from various chronicles and stories
Noël de Fribois, notary, secretary and advisor to King Charles VII, wrote the Abrégé des chroniques de France, which he presented to the King in June 1459. He began his chronicle with the siege of Troy and concludes it in 1383. The Geneva copy has two anonymous sequels, one on the reign of Charles VII and one on that of Louis XI. This first part of the manuscript is decorated with 27 illuminated scenes. The text continues with the Mémoire sur les rois de Sicile by Giovanni Candida, translated into French by Charles Guillart, and with various chronicles, stories and other writings added in the 16th century. (hoc)
Online Since: 06/18/2020
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Paule Hochuli Dubuis, Bibliotèque de Genève, pour e-codices 2020.)
Aubert, Hippolyte (Librarian) | Candida, Giovanni (Author) | Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator) | Fribois, Noe͏̈l de (Author) | Lullin, Ami (Former possessor) | Petau, Alexandre (Former possessor) | Petau, Paul (Former possessor)
Found in:
Standard description(Paule Hochuli Dubuis, Bibliotèque de Genève, pour e-codices 2020.)
Parchment · I + 220 + I ff. · 18.5 x 13.2 cm · Paris, workshop of the Coëtivy Master (identified as Colin d'Amiens) · middle of the 15th century
Book of hours for use in Paris
In addition to the usual services, this small-format book of hours following the practice of Paris contains several texts in French (a prayer to St. Roch, Les quinze joies de Notre-Dame and Les sept requêtes à Notre Seigneur). It is richly illuminated with full-page as well as smaller miniatures attributed (Gagnebin, 1976) to the workshop of the Coëtivy Master (now identified as Colin d'Amiens). Although some illuminations are slightly damaged, they attest to the high quality of their execution, especially in the intercession of the saints (ff. 201r-220v). This book of hours was meant for a man (the prayers are addressed in the masculine, f. 21r and 25v), perhaps for a certain Jean Novelli, whose name, together with the date 1460, is mentioned on the 18th century binding. (rou)
Online Since: 06/13/2019
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Isabelle Jeger, Catalogue des manuscrits latins 1-376, Genève 2016, pp. 170-171.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Isabelle Jeger, Catalogue des manuscrits latins 1-376, Genève 2016, pp. 170-171.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Additional description(Huot François O.S.B., Les manuscrits liturgiques du canton de Genève, Freiburg 1990 (Iter Helveticum, Subsidia 19), pp. 155-162.)
Parchment · 307 ff. · 18.7 x 12.8 cm · Paris · 1458-60
Book of hours from Paris
A latin book of hours with calendar, containing a selection of saints for Paris as well as several French prayers. At the end of the book, there are tables for the changing holidays beginning with the year 1640; thus it can be assumed that the manuscript was completet around this time. The majority of the miniatures are by the Master of Coëtivy, who presumably also created all compositions and thus also the preliminary drawings. The hand of a second illuminator, who can be identified as the Master of Dreux Budé, is found in the faces of Mary in the image of the birth of Jesus (f. 83v), the Adoration of the Magi (f. 92v) and the Coronation of the Virgin (f. 107r). (ber)
Online Since: 12/20/2012
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)
Coëtivy-Meister (Illuminator) | Maître de Dreux Budé (Illuminator)
Found in:
Standard description(Leuchtendes Mittelalter, Neue Folge IV, 32 illuminierte Manuskripte aus Frankreich vom 13. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert, beschrieben von Eberhard König, Ina Nettekoven und Heribert Tenschert, Ramsen Antiquariat Heribert Tenschert 2007, S. 246-266.)