Orosius-Meister (floruit 1394-1418)
GND: 143152599
document found
Genève, Bibliothèque de Genève, Ms. fr. 77
Parchment · (I-II) + 450 + (III-IV) ff. · 45.5 x 32 cm · France (Paris) · beginning of the 15th century
"Histoire romaine" by Titus Livius, translated into French by Pierre Bersuire
At the request of Jean II of France, between 1354 and 1356, the Dominican Pierre Bersuire (Petrus Berchorius) undertook this translation of the three decades (I, II and IV) of Ab Urbe condita by Titus Livius that were known at the time. This history of Rome extends from the founding of the city to the war between the Romans and the Celtiberians. The exemplar held by the Bibliothèque de Genève was produced at the beginning of the 15th century and carries the Ex libris of the Duke of Berry. Paintings are by the "Maître des Cleres femmes" of the Duke of Berry and by artists working in the style of the "Maître du duc de Bedford".
Online Since: 12/21/2010
- Orosius-Meister (Illuminator) Found in: Standard description
- Berchorius, Petrus (Translator) | Livius, Titus (Author) | Lullin, Ami (Former possessor) | Orosius-Meister (Illuminator) | Petau, Alexandre (Former possessor) Found in: Standard description