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Parchment · III + 275 + II ff. · 19.3 x 14.5 cm · second half of the 13th century
Missale OFM
This small-format missal is an important witness for the Franciscan liturgy of the thirteenth century. Schönherr hypothesizes an origin in the Franciscan province of Upper Germany, and a Bavarian provenance (the convent of Franciscan nuns zum Heiligen Kreuz, Landshut?). A possessor's mark of the warden of the Franciscan convent of Dieburg near Darmstadt dates to 1513. It is not known how and when the manuscript got to Solothurn. (hol)
Online Since: 09/06/2023
… mansionem. Qui tecum; 127v-128v [Ordo agendorum et dicendorum in missa privata]. Sacerdos indutus planeta ecclesie sue sancte. Amen ; siehe dazu V. Kennedy, The Franciscan Ordo Missae in the thirteenth century: Medieval Studies 2 (1940) 204ff. und The Origins 292; 128v-129v [Intonationes] = Kyrie, Gloria, Ite, Benedicamus, Requiescant und Flectamus genua…Found in:
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(Schönherr Alfons, Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Zentralbibliothek Solothurn, Solothurn 1964, S. 85-87.)
…This small-format missal is an important witness for the Franciscan liturgy of the thirteenth century. Schönherr hypothesizes an origin in the Franciscan province of Upper Germany, and a Bavarian provenance (the convent of Franciscan nuns zum Heiligen Kreuz, Landshut?). A possessor's mark of the warden of the Franciscan convent of Dieburg near…Found in:
Summary (English)
Parchment · 14 ff. · 16 x 11.5 cm · Solothurn (?) · 1447; 1504
Franciscan Rule, German (“Augsburger Drittordensregel”)
This small volume with the German translation of the Franciscan Rule (“Augsburger Drittordensregel”) comes from the Franciscan convent of Solothurn and is probably connected with the tertiaries or the Beguinage “zum Lämmli” in Solothurn, which was entrusted to the Franciscans for the cure of souls. (hol)
Online Since: 09/06/2023
…Franciscan Rule, German (“Augsburger Drittordensregel”)…Found in:
Title (English)
…This small volume with the German translation of the Franciscan Rule (“Augsburger Drittordensregel”) comes from the Franciscan convent of Solothurn and is probably connected with the tertiaries or the Beguinage “zum Lämmli” in Solothurn, which was entrusted to the Franciscans for the cure of souls.…Found in:
Summary (English)
Parchment · I + 84 + I ff. · 18 x 13 cm · Bern (?) · mid-15th century
Missale festivum OFM
This missal of the Franciscan use contains Sunday and Feast-day masses from the Temporal and the Sanctoral. A possessor's mark from the Franciscan Franz Meyer, from 1587 warden of the Solothurn convent, proves that the manuscript came from that convent. Originally, it may have come, as Schönherr hypothesizes, from the Franciscan convent in Bern, which was dissolved during the Reformation. (hol)
Online Since: 09/06/2023
…This missal of the Franciscan use contains Sunday and Feast-day masses from the Temporal and the Sanctoral. A possessor's mark from the Franciscan Franz Meyer, from 1587 warden of the Solothurn convent, proves that the manuscript came from that convent. Originally, it may have come, as Schönherr hypothesizes, from the Franciscan convent in Bern…Found in:
Summary (English)
Paper · 58 ff. · 18 x 15.3 cm · 17th century, second half
Composite manuscript with music
This small volume contains a collection of organ works and sacred songs, among them several unique examples by Tarquinio Merula, Martin Benn, Jakob Bannwart (organ music) and Isabella Leonarda (motets from her lost Opus 1). The collection was created “Ad usum Jo: Victoris Ruossingeri Solodorensis. Ao 1656.” The writer probably was Johann Victor Russinger (1630–1700), then chaplain and later canon of St. Ursus in Solothurn. In the 19th century, this small volume was owned by the Solothurn Franciscan Franz Ludwig Studer (1804–1873); later it became part of the Central Library of Solothurn. (bra)
Online Since: 10/08/2015
…, Francke, pp. 250-287, in particolare pp. 286-287; Friedrich Fiala, Das Franciscanerkloster und der letzte Franciscaner in Solothurn. Ein Nekrolog, Solothurn 1873, Schwendimann; dello stesso autore: Die Freunde und Schüller P. Girard's im Franciscanerkloster in Solothurn, 1800-1873 in O[tto] Hunziker [e collaboratori], Geschichte der Schweizerischen…Found in:
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(Da: François Seydoux, La sorprendente scoperta d'una fonte musicale manoscritta del XVII secolo, in "L'organo. Rivista di cultura organaria e organistica", 31 (1997), pp. 117-148: 117-123, 142-148.)
… Russinger (1630–1700), then chaplain and later canon of St. Ursus in Solothurn. In the 19th century, this small volume was owned by the Solothurn Franciscan Franz Ludwig Studer (1804–1873); later it became part of the Central Library of Solothurn.…Found in:
Summary (English)
Parchment and paper · 313 ff. · 45 x 31 cm · Upper Rhine area · 14th century (around 1320-1330)
Graduale Fratrum Minorum
This Franciscan Gradual was produced between 1320 and 1330 in a scriptorium in the Upper Rhine area. It was originally the property of the Franciscan monastery in Solothurn, where it remained in use until the 18th century. (hol)
Online Since: 12/21/2009
…This Franciscan Gradual was produced between 1320 and 1330 in a scriptorium in the Upper Rhine area. It was originally the property of the Franciscan monastery in Solothurn, where it remained in use until the 18th century.…Found in:
Summary (English)