St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 133

Lowe Elias Avery, Codices Latini Antiquiores. A palaeographical guide to latin manuscripts prior to the ninth century. Part VII: Switzerland, Oxford 1956 (Osnabrück 1982), p. 22.
Titre du manuscrit: , Liber Locorum, Interprete ; Virgilius, Aethici Cosmographia; Liber Generationum; etc.
Période: Saec. VIII- IX.
Support: Parchment of mediocre quality with many defective membranes.
Foll. 327
Format: 149-152 x 85-87 mm.
Numérotation des pages: Paginated 1-143, 145-174, 176-591, 593-657.
Composition des cahiers: Gatherings of eight, signed with Roman numerals in the middle or the lower margin of the last page (pp. 299 ff. form a new series); in part of the manuscript hair faces flesh within the quire.
Mise en page:
(ca. 120 x 60-70 mm.) in 17-19 long lines. Ruling on the fIesh- or hair-side, 4 bifolia at a time, with the direct impression on the outside. Single or double bounding lines in both margins. Prickings in the outer margin guided the ruling.
Type d'écritures et copistes:
- Punctuation: the main pause is marked by the medial point, one or two commas, or semicolon, lesser pauses by the medial point. Omissions are indicated by signes de renvoi. Run-overs are set off by a rectangular or curved bracket.
- Abbreviations include b; = bus; q; = que; au = autem; ƀ = bis; d (with the end of shaft looped) = dus; ee, ē = esse, est; m = men; ms = meus; m = mus; n = non; nꞇ, nr̄i, etc. = noster, -ri, etc.; om = omnes; ꝑ, p', p,ꝓ, ppt (and ꝓꝓ) = per, post, prae, pro, propter; qʼ, qđ (and quđ), qm = qui, quod, quoniam;rt , r̄ (and rʼ), s̄ = rum, runt, sunt; ꞇ̄, ꞇ͗ = ter, tur; the Insular symbol ɜ = eius (p. 505); and the normal forms of Nomina Sacra except for several occurrences (pp. 404, 408, 451, 521) of dmn for dominum (this form suggests an exemplar of high antiquity for those parts in which it occurs).
- Ink dark brown.
- Script is an early, small-size minuscule, by different hands, some showing clear Alemannic features and cursive elements, e.g. half-uncial Ᵹ, ꝺ-shaped o, ꞇ with the horizontal looped to the left, and the ligatures nt (even in mid-word), ꞇɑ (with sickle-shaped a on top of ꞇ), and Ɛ (for hard and sort ti). The hand on pp. 28, ff. is akin to that of Einsiedeln MS. 369 (285), foll. 3-6, a fragment of a lectionary; the hand on pp. 209-215 seems identical with the first hand of St. Gall MS. 259 (our No. 935).
- Colophons in the script of the text; Incipits in black capitals with lines washed alternately in yellow and violet. Headings usually in plain uncial, sometimes daubed with red, or in black capitals or cursive minuscule.
- Simple black initials, some coloured with a little red; blank spaces at line-ends are occasionally filled with simple ornamentation; in the “Liber locorum” first words of sections are often in uncial or in slightly larger minuscule suggesting an Insular exemplar.
Origine du manuscrit:
Written apparently in the same Swiss centre as Einsiedeln MS. 369 (285). foll. 3-6, and possibly at St. Gall.