St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 164
Titre du manuscrit: , Enarrationes in Psalmos (Ps. LXXVII-C)
Origine: St. Gall.
Période: s. IX, 2/4-3/4
Format: 32.5-32.6 x 23.9-240 cm
Composition des cahiers:
Pp. 3-16 = I8 (wants 1),
pp. 17-64 = II-IV8,
pp. 65-82 = V10 (wants 2),
pp. 83-178 = VI-XI8,
pp. 179-190 = XII6,
pp. 191-196 = XIII4 (wants 3),
pp. 197-276 = XIV-XVIII8,
pp. 277-288 = XIX6,
pp. 289-296 = XX4,
pp. 297-302 and 304-393 = XXI-XXVI8, pp. 394-407 = [XXVII]8.
[Quire signatures in red crayon (in the form a ... z, a ... c) are visible in the lower margin of the last leaf of each one; this provisional foliation by JAW has been made on the basis of Bruckner's description supplemented by examination of the page-images.]
Mise en page:
A single column of 29 lines (232-235 x 188-190 mm).
Type d'écritures et copistes:
Mulitple hands writing Caroline minuscule, with rubrics in rustic capitals, and initials in square capitals. Interlinear and marginal corrections and glosses, including some in the hand of Ekkehard IV († 973). (Bruckner)
- 1.
p. 3-405 Enarrationes in Psalmos (Ps. LXXVII-C) Psalmus iste ea continet quae inuiteri populo acta narrantur. Recentior autem et posterior …–…
quia erogat misericordiam sed cauete quia uenturum est iudicium. Explicit de psalmo centesimo. Index Reference Number
- CPL 283
Editions- Aurelius Augustinus. Enarrationes in Psalmos, ed. E. Dekkers and J. Fraipont (CCSL 38-40). Turnhout: Brepols, 1956. The portion of the text in this MS is found at 39.1066-1417
- Aurelius Augustinus. Enarrationes in Psalmos. PL 36-37: 67-1028 and 1033-1968. On Google Books (combined volume), with the portion of the text found in this MS at 36.982-37.1293
Translation- Augustine. Expositions on the Book of Psalms (A Library of Fathers of the Holy Catholic Church 24-25, 30, 32, 37, 39). Oxford: John Henry Parker, 1847-1857. All six volumes are on Google Books: 24 (Ps. 1-36), 25 (Ps. 37-52), 30 (Ps. 53-75), 32 (Ps. 76-101), 37 (Ps. 102-125), and 39 (Ps. 126-150). The translation of the portionof Augustine's work that is contained in this manuscript (Ps. 76-100 [numbered 77-101 in the translation]) ) begins on vol. 32, p. 42, and continues to p. 496.
Bibliography- For further bibliography, see: IMB and LexMA (Augustine and Ekkehardus)
Origine du manuscrit:
s. IX, 2/4-3/4 (listed among the books acquired under Abbot Grimalt [AD 841-872] in CSG 257 [MBKDS I, 83.35-84.1], and in the ninth-century general booklist in CSG 728, p. 8, line 10 [MBKDS I, 74.10-11])
Codicological Bibliography
- Bruckner, Albert. Scriptoria medii aevi Helvetica (Vol. 3). Geneva: Roto-Sadag, 1938, p. 76.
- Janner, Sara, and Romain Jurot. Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus (Vol. 9/2). Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2001, p. 133.
- Lehmann, Paul. Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz (Vol. I). Munich: Beck, 1918, p. 74 and 83-84.
- Scherrer, Gustav. Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibiliothek von St. Gallen. Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, p. 60. Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen
- For further bibliography, see: IMB