Einsiedeln, Stiftsbibliothek, Codex 182(414)
Titre du manuscrit: , In epistulas Pauli ad Titum, ad Philomenon, et ad Hebraeos
Origine: Reichenau
Période: s. IX 1/2 (Tischler)
85 leaves (unnumbered front pastedown + pp. 1-6, 6 bis, 7, 7bis, 8-166)
Format: 290 x 185 mm
Composition des cahiers:
Front pastedown + pp. 1-6, 6 bis, 7, 7 bis, 8-12 = I8; pp. 13-140 = II-IX8; pp. 141-152 = X6; pp. 153-166 = [XI]10 (wants 1, 8, 9?; 10 formerly a pastedown). [The gatherings have early quire numbers in the lower margin of each one's last leaf with the exception of XI, where the quire number is a later addition. The remainder of the text is on three quires, formerly quires XII-XIV in this manuscript, which are now in Einsiedeln MS 168 (467), pp. 130-83. This foliation is based on Tischler's description andexamination of the page-images.]
Mise en page:
A single column of 25 lines (written space: 215 x 130 mm).
Type d'écritures et copistes: Written in Alemannic minuscule characteristic of the Reichenauscriptorium, partly in the hand of the Reichenau scribe and librarian Reginbert († AD 846).
- 1.
pp. 2-164 In epistulas Pauli ad Titum, ad Philomenon, et ad Hebraeos >In christi nomine in hoc continentur corpore tractatus Albini magistri super tres sancti pauli apostoli epistulas id est ad titum ad philimonem et ad hebreos.< Hanc epistulam scribit apostolus a nicopolis ciuitate quae sita est in hactiaco litore ad titum discipulum suum …–…
uenite benedicti patris mai percipite regnum quod uobis paratum est ab origine mundi …
[Ends defectively; the remainder of the text is found in Einsiedeln MS 168 (467), pp. 130-83.]
- Flaccus Albinus (Alcuinus). Tractatus super tres s. Pauli ad Titum, ad Philemonem et ad Hebræos epistolas. PL 100: 1007-1084. Archive.org; the edition breaks off at the same pointin the text as this manuscript
Codicological Bibliography
- Bischoff, Bernhard. Katalog der festländischen Handschriften des neunten Jahrhunderts (mit Ausnahme der wisigotischen) (Vol. 1). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998, p. 239.
- Meier, G. Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum qui in bibliotheca monasterii Einsidlensis O.S.B. servantur (Vol. 1). Einsiedeln: 1899, p. 144-45.
- Tischler, Matthias M. "Reginbert-Handschriften: Mit einem Neufund in Kloster Einsiedeln", Scriptorium 50, (1986): 175-183.
- For further bibliography, see: IMB