Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, MP 5 / A2718, p. 57 – Notes on the early bishopric of Basel and Annales of Reichenau Abbey
Manuscript Summary:Although this manuscript’s paper title page announces “Éphémérides de la ville de Porrentruy, commencées en janvier 1855, Vautrey prêtre” (p. V3), it only refers to the first eight pages of this thick volume (pp. 1-8). The largest part of the work contains “Notes sur l’ancien Évêché de Bâle” (pp. 9-473), followed by excerpts from the “Annales du monastère d’Augiae divitis” (Reichenau) taken from a Latin manuscript that belonged to the Benedictines of Delle (pp. 476-502). Alongside various ecclesiastical functions, this volume’s author, Louis Vautrey (1829 Porrentruy – 1886 Delémont) accomplished a significant body of historical work, as witnessed, for example, by the publication in two volumes of the Histoire des évêques de Bâle (1884-1886), which at least in part relies on the current manuscript.(rou)
Notes on the early bishopric of Basel and Annales of Reichenau Abbey
How to quote:
Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, MP 5 / A2718, p. 57 – Notes on the early bishopric of Basel and Annales of Reichenau Abbey (https://www.e-codices.ch/en/list/one/bcj/A2718)