St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 276, p. 5 – Composite manuscript with theological works by Alcuin of York; also contains excerpts from Augustine’s De perfectione iustitiae hominis
Manuscript Summary:The manuscript consists of two codices bound together (p. 1-149 and 150-279). The first part dates from the second half of the 9th century, the second from the middle of the 9th century. The volume was privately owned by the St. Gall Abbot Grimald (841-872); however, it was probably written not in St. Gall, but at least in part at a scriptorium in the southern region of Germany. It contains various works by Alcuin of York (about 730-804): De fide sanctae et individuae trinitatis; De trinitate et ad Fredegisum quaestiones XXVIII; De animae ratione ad Eulaliam virginem; Dialogus de rhetorica et de virtutibus (with diagrams p. 210-217); De Dialectica (with diagram p. 270). The codex further contains excerpts (chapters 2-11) from De perfectione iustitiae hominis by the Church Father Augustine (in the codex under the titel Adnotatio interrogationum caelesti pelagiani et responsionum sancti augustini). On p. 148 there is a 13th century pen trial of the alleluia Conversus Iesus ad mariam dixit ei fides tua te salvum fecit vade in pace (with neumes); on p. 218 (11th/12th century) the antiphon Conspicit in celis mens prudens Ezechielis (with neumes) as well as the responsorium Martir sancta dei quae flagrans igne fidei (without neumes). On p. 271 there is the figure of a man with sword and shield etched with a stylus; an almost identical figure can be found in Cod. Sang. 175, p. 356 (there as a pen sketch).(sno)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 104-105.
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Additional description: Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 3, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz, St. Gallen II, Genf 1938, S. 90-91.
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Additional description: Janner Sara / Jurot Romain, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des Heiligen Augustinus, Band IX/2 Schweiz, Wien 2001, S. 144.
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Online Since: 12/20/2012
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 276
Parchment · 280 pp. · 17.2-18.2 x 24-24.5 cm · southern region of Germany (?) · second half and middle of the 9th century
Composite manuscript with theological works by Alcuin of York; also contains excerpts from Augustine’s De perfectione iustitiae hominis
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 276, p. 5 – Composite manuscript with theological works by Alcuin of York; also contains excerpts from Augustine’s De perfectione iustitiae hominis (
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 104-105.
Date of origin: s. IX
Support: Pgm.
279 (280) Seiten
Format: 4°
Collation: Zwei Codices in Einem Band.
Acquisition of the manuscript: Cod. 276 wurde von Grimalt geschenkt; v. Cod. 267 p. 31 lin. 14 (Weidm. Gesch. p. 398).
Codicological unit:
Teil 1
S. 5-147Alcuinus: de trinitate ad Karolum M.
de trinitate ad Fredegisum
de anima ad Eulaliam
(s. Cod. 272).
Codicological unit:
Teil 2
S. 150-219Alcuini rhetorica
voran die Verse: Qui rogo civiles etc.; am Ende S. 219 die Verse: O vos est aetas; vor diesen S. 218 von anderer Hand 6 und 5 leoninische Reime, die erstern mit Tonzeichen.
Froben II, 333.
Canis. V, 959.
Riese Anthol. Fasc. 2 Praef. p. XIV
S. 220-270Alcuini Dialectica
mit den S. 219, unmittelbar hinter den Schlussversen der Rhetorik vorausgeschickten Gedicht: Me lege qui veterum etc.
Canis. V, 915.
Froben II, 335
S. 271-279Adnotatio interrogationum Caelestii Pelagiani et responsionum sci Augustini.
(Auch in Cod. 148 p. 311. Ueber Cölestius und die Cölestini vgl.
Schönemann Bibl. P. P. lat. II, 462-72 und Bähr Christl. röm. Theol. p. 314.)