St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 223
Handschriftentitel: Ordo iudicii in mensura; Lectiones de Sancta Trinitate; 's Synonyma; 's Penitential works
Entstehungszeit: s. XII.
Beschreibstoff: Parchment
138 pp.
Format: 19,5 x 14 cm
Lagenstruktur: Part I: IV18; Part II: 5 IV98 + III110 + IV126 + IV-1140: Quires are numbered in the bottom margin of p. 98 (V), p. 110 (VI) and p. 126 (VII), and indicate correctly the end of the 5th, 6th and 7th quire of the second codicological unit.
One column, with 24 (sometimes 23 or 25) lines per page.
Schrift und Hände: The Codex, put together of two codicological unites, is written in a praegotica of the 12th century. The first unit (pp. 3-18) was copied by several scribes (Hand 1-6), while the second (pp. 19-140) could be written by only one scribe (Hand 7), with some additions of Hand 8.
- Hand 1: texts 1a-1d (pp. 3-4).
- Hand 2: beginning of the text 1e (p. 5) and maybe the red title in p. 4.
- Hand 3: rest of the text 1e (pp. 6-12).
- Hand 3b: text 2 (pp. 12-16) was copied by Hand 3 or a similar, but sometimes different Hand 3b.
- Hand 4: text 3, a list of abbots from Nomina abbatum (p. 16) probably to mensibus tribus (p. 17).
- Hand 5: he added more abbots, from Hic fuit abbas to Vodalricus (p. 17) and started the marginal list of kings and emperors, from Pipinus (p. 16) to Heinricus VI Imperator (p. 17), binding them with lines to each one of the contemporaneous abbots.
- Hand 6: he added more abbots, from Vodalricus to Bertholdus annis · xxiii, and three more kings (from sub philippo to sub friderico imperatore), binding them also to some contemporaneous abbots (p. 17).
- Hand 7: The second codicological unit (pp. 19-140) could have been copied by one hand with variations and changes of the ink, pen and line narrowness (see p. 35). The variations are capable of being differenciated (see pp. 96-99) so that further research could maybe specify different hands. All red headings seem to be by one hand.
- Hand 8: marginal red titles to some sections of the Synonyma (see p. 48 or p. 53).
- Some little corrections or additions to Text 4 and 5 were made later by different hands.
Buchschmuck: Headings in capitals and initial letters are written in black on pp. 3-4 and pp. 16-17; some of them are decorated with red ink (pp. 4-5) or written in black and highlighted with red ink (pp. 5,
8-12). Headings in capitals and initial letters are red in the rest of the manuscript (see p. 4,
12, etc., esp. the Book I of the Synonyma and the Lamentum). Marginal red titles appear in p. 48,
53, etc.
The first codicological unit (pp. 3-16) transmits short religious and liturgical texts. The second one (pp. 19-140) contains works of and . The second half of p. 16 as well as pp. 17-18, originally empty leaves at the end of the first unit, were later used to write a list of abbots of St. Gall.
- 1.
pp. 3-12 [Ordines: several texts on the way of preparing and celebrating liturgy]
- 1a. (p. 3) >Ordo iudicii in mensura< Quidam fideles pro …–… fueritis remetietur uobis.
- 1b.
(pp. 3-4)
>Oratio< Deus omnipotens deus …–…
declara per dominum.
Ed., K. Zeumer, MGH. Legum Sectio V. Formulae Merowingici et Karolini aevi (Formulae Merowingici et Karolini aevi), Hannover: Hahn, 1886, pp. 639-640, nº 4 (a)-(b), as well as A. Franz, Die kirchlichen Benediktionen im Mittelalter, 1909, Bd. 2, Graz: Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt, p. 390, nº I. See also E. de Rozière, Recueil général des formules usitées dans l'empire des Francs du Ve au Xe siècle, Vol. 2, Paris: Auguste Durand Libraire, 1859, pp. 883-884, nº 625. A very similar formule can be found in Montpellier, cod. 306. - 1c.
(p. 4)
>Adiuratio mensurę< Adiuro te genus …–…
sęcula sęculorum amen.
On the texts 1a-1c, see M. Gerbert, Vetus Liturgica Alemannica, Pars II et III, St. Blasien: Typ. San-Blasianis, 1776, p. 558, nº VII. - 1d.
(p. 4)
>Item oratio< Domine iesu christe …–…
sęcula sęculorum. Amen.
Texts 1a-1d are transmitted also by Cod. Sang. 932, s. XV, p. 521, see the edition of Franz as well as A. Jakoby, “Das examen in mensuris”, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 20 (1920-1921), pp. 237-240. - 1e. (pp. 4-12) >Quando presbiter se pręparat ad missam · ad humerale< [litanies in pp. 5-7 ] Obumbra domine caput …–… cunctorum fidelium tuorum.
- 2.
pp. 12-16 >Lectiones de sancta Trinitate< Katholica fides habet …–…
certissime perducit beatitudinem.
See G. Glauche, Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2000, p. 1997. - 3.
pp. 16-17 Nomina abbatum qui in monasterio sancti calli pręfuerunt.
Dominus otmarus …–…
Bertholdus annis XXIII
A list of abbots with a marginal list of kings. See G. Meyer von Knonau, “Die ältesten Verzeichnisse der Äbte von St. Gallen”, Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen Geschichte. Herausgegeben vom Historischen Verein in St. Gallen 11 (1869), pp. 125-138, esp. 126. On other lists, see B. M. von Scarpatetti (ed.), Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Bd. 2, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2008 pp. 14-15.- (p. 18) empty.
- 4.
pp. 19-87 Synonyma]
Edited by J. Elfassi, Synonyma, Turnhout: Brepols, 2009- 4a.
(p. 19)
[Synonyma: Prologues] In nomine dei …–…
sęcula sęculorum. amen.
On their authenticity, see the edition of J. Elfassi, pp. VIII-IX, n. 8-9. - 4b. (pp. 19-20) [Synonyma: Preface] >Incipit pręfacio in [add. supra 1.] Synonima Ysidori< Venit nuper ad manus …–… et rationis consolantis.
- 4c. (pp. 20-87) [Synonyma: Book I (pp. 20-47) and Book II (pp. 47-87)] >Synonima ab Ysidoro iuniore spanensis ęcclesię antiste edita< Anima mea in angustiis …–… sęcula sęculorum. Amen.
- 4a.
(p. 19)
[Synonyma: Prologues] In nomine dei …–…
sęcula sęculorum. amen.
- 5.
pp. 87-140
[ 's works. Traditionally regarded as spurious works of , but attributed in 1926 to the wisigothic bishop (end of the 7th c.) by J. Pérez de Urbel. Although it became a widespread denomination, today it is considered a spurious attribution].
- 5a.
(pp. 87-94)
Exhortatio poenitendi] >Exhortato [sic] pęnitentis cum consolatione et misericordia dei ad animam futura iudicia formidantem< Cur fluctuas anima …–…
cultores effertur mundi.
Ed. K. Strecker, MGH. Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, T. IV/2-3, Berlin: Weidmann, 1923, pp. 760-768. - 5b.
(pp. 94-106)
Lamentum poenitentiae] >Incipit lamentum penitentię duplici alfabeto editum · exceptis tribus literis · A · B · et · H · in quibus aliquantis uersibus multiplicatur · tibi exorabit pro indulgentia peccatorum< audi, christe, tristem …–…
in ęterna sęcula.
Ed. K. Strecker, MGH. Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, T. IV/2-3, Berlin: Weidmann, 1923, pp. 769-783. - 5c.
(pp. 106-140)
Oratio pro correptione uitae] >Incipit oratio cuius supra pro correptione uitę et propter flenda peccata< Deus omnium mirabilium …–…
sęcula sęculorum. amen.
Ed. F. Arévalo, Sancti Isidori Hispalensis episcopi opera omnia, T. VII, Roma: Antonium Fulgonium, 1803, pp. 358-373 (= PL 83, cols. 1261-1274).
- 5a.
(pp. 87-94)
Exhortatio poenitendi] >Exhortato [sic] pęnitentis cum consolatione et misericordia dei ad animam futura iudicia formidantem< Cur fluctuas anima …–…
cultores effertur mundi.
Entstehung der Handschrift: The manuscript seems to have been written in St. Gall: according to W. Meyer and K. Strecker the Exhortatio and Lamentum are copied from Cod. Sang. 269 (10th c.). Many indications show that it has been always there: the note Liber S. Galli (p. 3), the list of abbots of St. Gall (pp. 16-17) and the seal of the Monastery Library (p. 140).
- Elfassi, J., ed., Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Synonyma, Turnhout: Brepols, 2009.
- Franz A., Die kirchlichen Benediktionen im Mittelalter, Bd. 2, Graz: Akademische Druck-U. Verlagsanstalt, 1960 (=1909), pp. 390-391.
- Gerbert, M., Vetus Liturgia Alemannica, Pars II et III, St. Blasien: Typ. San-Blasianis, 1776, p. 558, nº VII.
- Glauche, G., Katalog der lateinischen Handschriften der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München, Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, 2000.
- Jakoby, A., “Das examen in mensuris”, Archiv für Religionswissenschaft 20 (1920-1921), pp. 237-240.
- Meyer von Knonau, G., “Die ältesten Verzeichnisse der Äbte von St. Gallen”, Mitteilungen zur vaterländischen Geschichte. Herausgegeben vom Historischen Verein in St. Gallen 11 (1869), pp. 125-138.
- Meyer, W., “Anfang und Ursprung der lateinischen und griechischen rhythmischen Dichtung”, Abhandlungen der kgl. bayer. Akademie der Wissenschaften 1, Cl. 17, nº 2 (1886), pp. 265-450.
- Pérez de Urbel, J., “Origen de los himnos mozárabes”, Bulletin Hispanique 28 (1926), pp. 305-320, (esp. 308-311, on the attribution of the Lamentum to Sisbert of Toledo).
- Rozière, E. de, Recueil général des formules usitées dans l'empire des Francs du Ve au Xe siècle, Vol. 2, Paris: Auguste Durand Libraire, 1859.
- Scherrer, G., Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle: Verlag der Buchhandlung des Waisenhausen, 1875.
- Strecker, K., ed., «CXLVII. Exhortatio poenitendi», MGH. Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, T. IV/2-3, Berlin: Weidmann, 1923, pp. 760-768.
- ———, ed., «CXLVIII. Lamentum poenitentiae», MGH. Poetae Latini Aevi Carolini, T. IV/2-3, Berlin: Weidmann, 1923, pp. 769-783.
- von Scarpatetti, B. M. (ed.), Die Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Band 2, Abt. III/2: Codices 450–546. Liturgica, Libri precum, deutsche Gebetbücher, Spiritualia, Musikhandschriften, 9. - 16. Jahrhundert. Unter Mitarbeit von Philipp Lenz, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2008.
- Zeumer, K., MGH. Legum Sectio V. Formulae Merowingici et Karolini aevi (Formulae Merowingici et Karolini aevi), Hannover: Hahn, 1886.