Zürich, Braginsky Collection, B344, Back cover – <i>Seder Birkat ha-mazon</i> (Grace after Meals and other prayers and blessings)
Manuscript Summary:This miniature prayer book is the result of a unique collaboration of two of the most eminent Viennese representatives of 18th century Jewish book art. Aaron Wolf Herlingen wrote and illustrated the title page, Meschullam Simmel ben Moses from Polná created the other drawings and probably also wrote the prayer texts. Evidently this little book was a wedding present. The miniature prayer book contains a total of nine illustrations of the text as well as four richly decorated initial words. The prayer book belonged to the “respectable and wise maid Hindl”. The manuscript also contains entries regarding the birth of her children between 1719 and 1741.(red)
Online Since: 12/20/2016
Zürich, Braginsky Collection, B344
Parchment · 39 ff. · 7.7 x 5.3 cm · Vienna, copied and illustrated by Aaron Wolf Herlingen [and Meschullam Simmel from Polná] · 1725
<i>Seder Birkat ha-mazon</i> (Grace after Meals and other prayers and blessings)
How to quote:
Zürich, Braginsky Collection, B344, Back cover – <i>Seder Birkat ha-mazon</i> (Grace after Meals and other prayers and blessings) (https://www.e-codices.ch/en/list/one/bc/b-0344)