Manuscript Summary:This paper manuscript, copied by a single scribe, has various materials related to the history of the Diocese of Basel. The title on the spine reads: “Catalogue des Evêques d. Bâle”. It begins with general information on the history and organization of the diocese, including a list of roles at the episcopal court (pp. 9-11) and another one of the vassals of the bishopric (pp. 11-13). Then, after a table of contents listing the bishops of the diocese, from Saint Pantalus to Joseph Guillaume Rinck de Baldenstein (pp. 14-16), there follow summaries in German of the deeds done under their episcopates, dating from 238 to 1747 (pp. 17-131). As the ex libris on the front pastedown states, this work belonged to Pierre Joseph Koetschet (1800-1869) when he was director of the Collège de Delémont.(rou)
Porrentruy, Bibliothèque cantonale jurassienne, A107, p. 13 – Catalogus von dem Ursprung des Bisthums Basel (