Manuscript Summary:Incomplete copy of the Aurora, a verse commentary on the Bible by Petrus Riga († 1209). This codex contains only the books of the Old Testamentand breaks off in the Book of Machabees. In detail, the content includes: Praefatio Petri Rigae (pp. 3–4), Genesis (pp. 4–60), Exodus (pp. 60–106), Leviticus with prologue (pp. 107–137), Numbers with prologue (pp. 137–160), Deuteronomy (pp. 160–169), Joshua (pp. 169–180), Judges (pp. 180–191), Ruth (pp. 191–193), 1st–4th Book of Kings with prologue (pp. 193–244), Tobit (pp. 244–261), Daniel (pp. 261–285), Esther (pp. 285–294), Judith (pp. 294–300), Machabees, V. 1–234, 307–445 and 235–272 (pp. 301–313). In several places, the text contains additions that are not by Petrus Rigo; for the most part they are listed in the edition by Paul E. Beichner (Aurora. Petri Rigae Biblia versificata. A the Bible, Notre Dame 1965). Contains numerous interlinear and marginal glosses.(sno)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 16-17.
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Online Since: 03/22/2018
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 32
Paper · 313 (312) pp. · 21-21.5 x 14.5-15 cm · 14th century
Petrus Riga, Aurora
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 32, p. 7 – Petrus Riga, Aurora (
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 16-17.
Manuscript title: Petrus de Riga Biblia rythmica Veteris Testamenti (bis Mitte der Makkabäer).
Date of origin: s. XIV
Support: Papier
Format: 313 (312) Seiten.
Condition: Am Ende defekt.
Petrus de Riga Biblia rythmica Veteris Testamenti (bis Mitte der Makkabäer).
Mit vielen jüngeren Anmerkungen zwischen den Zeilen. Ungedruckt, ausgenommen das Buch Esther in Barth's Adversaria p. 1456 (dazu Varianten in Leyser's Hist. poet. 692 und 727) und ein anderer Theil in Pitra Spicileg. Solesnl. Die Handschriften sind häufig, z. B. in Breslau (Wachler Litt. gesch. H, p. 258) u. a. O.; 19 Hss. in Hänel's Catal.