Manuscript Summary:This copy of the so-called Chrysostomus Latinus is significant in terms of textual history study. This collection of 38 sermons and other works attributed to the early church father John Chrysostom (349/50-407) includes both ancient Latin translations of original works in Greek reliably attributable to John Chrysostom, and also some pieces originally written in Latin, the contents of some of which are identified and some are not, for which the celebrated sermonist is claimed as the author. A St. Gall copy from the second half of the 9th century.(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 39-40.
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Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 39-40.
Date of origin: s. IX
Support: Pgm.
531 (530) Seiten
Format: 8°
Writing and hands:
Von Mehrern.
S. 3-363Johannes Chrisostomus: 37 ächte oder untergeschobene Reden>Incipit liber omeliarum Johannis Chrisostomi<
dazwischen S. 251 eine mit der Ueberschrift: Incipit Severiani epi. sermo de pace, gedr. in Petrus Chrysologus Venet. 1742 F. p. 178.
cf. Severiani Homiliae nunc primum editae Venet. 1827.
S. 363-399>Incipit de eo quod non laeditur homo nisi a semetipso.<Scio quod a crassioribus
S. 399-460>Incipit eiusdem s. Joannis de cordis compunctione liber primus<
und liber secundus pag. 436. Anfang:
Cum tantum intueor b. Demetri