St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 111, p. 58 – Copy of Jerome's commentary on chapters 14-18 of the Book of Isaiah
Manuscript Summary:A copy of the commentaries of the church father Jerome († 420) on chapters 14 through 18 of the Old Testament Book of Isaiah, written at the Abbey of St. Gall in the 9th century. On the first and last pages are pen tests from the 11th through 15th centuries, including three Old High German proverbs from the compendium of dialectic De partibus logicae by St. St. Gall monk and teacher Notker the German, a blessing for pigs and a recipe for ink. On the inside of front and back covers are impressions in the glue left by portions of text from the Edictum Rothari (Cod. Sang. 730), which were once attached to the wooden cover of this manuscript.(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 42.
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Additional description: Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 3, Schreibschulen der Diözese Konstanz, St. Gallen II, Genf 1938, S. 69.
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Online Since: 06/22/2010
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 111
Parchment · 352 pp. · 25-25.5 x 17.5-19 cm · St. Gall · 9th century
Copy of Jerome's commentary on chapters 14-18 of the Book of Isaiah
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 111, p. 58 – Copy of Jerome's commentary on chapters 14-18 of the Book of Isaiah (
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 42.
Manuscript title: Hieronymus in Jesaiam liber XIV-XVIII.
Date of origin: s. IX
Support: Pgm.
352 Seiten
Format: 4° min.
Writing and hands: Von Mehrern.
Auf der ersten und letzten Seite eine Benedictio porcorum (s. IX);
auf der letzten althochd. Sprichwörter (III) siehe Hattemer's Denkm. I, 410;
ausserdem ein Dintenrecept (s. XV).