Manuscript Summary:Summer portion (Holy Saturday through the end of the church year) of a breviary written at the Abbey of St. Gall between 1022 and 1047 (with readings, prayers, extracts from homilies, antiphons, responses and hymns for the monastic liturgy of the hours), includes additions made as late as the 14th century. The sung sections include neumes. Preceding materials include a fragment of a collections of homilies, a calendar, and computistical texts and tables. The corresponding winter portion of this breviary is found in Cod. Sang. 413. It is among the oldest surviving breviaries produced at St. Gall.(sno)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 131-132.
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Additional description: Pierre-Marie Gy OP, Les premiers bréviaires de Saint-Gall (deuxième quart du XIe s.) dans: Liturgie. Gestalt und Vollzug. Hg. von Walter Dürig. München 1963, S. 104-113.
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Online Since: 11/04/2010
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 387
Parchment · 984 pp. · 24.5-25 x 16-16.5 cm · St. Gall · second quarter of the 11th century (additions through the 14th century)
Breviary, summer portion (with neumes)
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 387, Digital Colorchecker – Breviary, summer portion (with neumes) (
(S. 50 u. ff.)
>In sabb. s. ad vesp.<
Lectionen mit kurzen Predigtauszügen, Antiphonen und Hymnen.
(S. 922-931)
>Epistola Luciani de revelatione corporum Stephani< …
(Opp. Augustini Ed. Bened. VII App.) Diesen Brief übersetzte Avitus presb. in's Lateinische, laut seiner eigenen Epistola ad Palconium. (
Cod. S. Gall. 174 p. 132. Opp. Aug. 1. c.) Einzelnes über Lucian und Avitus auch in Cod. 280 p. 432. Cf. Papebroch Resp. ad Seb. a Paulo Antw. 1696 4° Art. XII §. 1, wo die Erzählung als unächt erwiesen ist.