St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 405, p. 1 – Breviary from the Convent of Dominican Nuns of St. Catherine
Manuscript Summary:This breviary contains the Psalter (pp. 1a–111b) followed by cantica, Pater noster, Credo, Quicumque vult and litanies (pp. 111b–129b), as well as the Proprium de tempore (pp. 130a-533a) from the first Sunday of Advent to the 25th Sunday after Trinity, including the Dedicatio ecclesiae (p. 524a) and finally the Proprium de sanctis (pp. 534a-839b) and the Commune sanctorum (pp. 840a-841b), which breaks off at the end of the last page and is incomplete. The manuscript was written in a fourteenth-century textualis and decorated with numerous red and blue pen-flourished initials. The only highlighted name in the Litany is that of Catherine (p. 125a); this fact, along with the feasts of St. Peter of Verona (p. 632a), the Translatio sancti Dominici (p. 647b, 648a), St. Dominic (death day) (p. 709a) and Saint Catherine (p. 828b, 830b) indicate that the breviary was intended for the Dominican convent of St. Catherine, probably the one in St. Gall (and later in Wil). The seventeenth-century ownership mark Monasteriae [!] s. Catharinae, written in the same hand as, for example, Wil, Dominikanerinnenkloster St. Katharina, M 3, front flyleaf, proves that the breviary actually comes from the convent. The leather cover on the wooden-board binding is decorated with a stamp with the head of Christ as well as with a scroll stamp, and has the blind-stamped date 1591 on the front.(len)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 137.
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Online Since: 04/25/2023
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 405
Parchment · 841 pp. · 26 x 18 cm · 14th century
Breviary from the Convent of Dominican Nuns of St. Catherine
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 405, p. 1 – Breviary from the Convent of Dominican Nuns of St. Catherine (
Breviarium monialium Ord. Praed.
(Nach St. Kathrina in S. Gallen gehörig.) Die NN. 405, 406 und 407 enthalten Hymnen in grosser Zahl, besonders auf Heilige des Predigerordens.