Manuscript Summary:The first quire transmits various texts written non-uniformly (pp. 5-20). After a short, one-column text De excommunicatione (p. 22) is Jean Gerson’s De audienda confessione (pp. 23a–70a). There then follow two works ascribed to Augustine in the Middle Ages, namely De spiritu et anima (cap. I-XXXIII on pp. 70a–92b) and Speculum (pp. 92b–109b); Bernard of Clairvaux’s De gratia et liberoarbitrio (pp. 110a–138a); Bonaventura’s De compositione hominis exterioris under the title Speculum monachorum (pp. 139a–154a) and Lucius Annaeus Seneca’s De quattuor virtutibus cardinalibus (pp. 154a–166b). Pages 23a-109b are written in a two-column textualis with red headings and blue and red alternating pen-flourished initials as well as pieds-de-mouche. On pp. 110a-166b only red ink was used for such highlights. Between pp. 6 and 7 a slip of paper with writing is pasted in. On the lower margin distinctiones are often added (pp. 30–34, 72–76, 82–85, 111, 113, 121). Within the ruling lines of column 138a is a number-matrix. In column 138b there is a pen trial (ANNO with flourishes). There is a fair amount of marginalia. The pasteboard binding from the 17th or 18th century has a white leather cover with doubled scudding decoration as well as two green laces. The table of contents was added by Pius Kolb (p. 1).(kun)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 265.
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Online Since: 09/06/2023
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 789
Parchment · 170 pp. · 17.5 x 12.5 cm · 14th century
Theologia practica, theologica et moralia
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 789, p. 119 – Theologia practica, theologica et moralia (
S. 23-70
Proëmium, Register und ein Text mit der Unterschrift:
libellus de simplici informacione simplicium sacerdotum in confessionibus audiendis nomine Goclinus conscriptus et completus a fratre Uolrico de Ahusen sacerdote … a° 1300.
(Steht gedr. unter den Opp. *Bonaventurae Rom 1688. VII, p. 48. Oder sollte ‘Goclinus’ der Franciskanerprovinzial Theodoricus Göllinus 1285-89 sein? Der Münchner Cod. lat. 6023 enthält laut Katalog ebenfalls: ‘Informatio de confessione audienda – liber Goelini?’ Membr. 8° saec. XIV.)
Augustini (Opp. Venet. 1731 VI Append. p. 35 und 146),
Bernhardi (Opp. Paris 1709 I, 610-630)
et Bonaventurae (Opp. VII, 652 de compositione hominis exterioris)
letzterer mit der Ueberschrift:
Speculum monachorum.Primo semper debes considerare …
S. 154-166Incip. tractatus Senece de IV virtutibus cardinal …
(Bibl. P. P. Lugd. X, 382. Opp. Senecae ed. Haase III, 468. Von Martinus Dumiensis, Episc. Braccar., der in einer Wolfenbüttler Hs. saec. XIII als Verfasser genannt ist. Cf. Ebert Biblioth. Guelferb. Codd. p. 150. Bandini Catal. codd. lat. I, 733. Fabric. Bibl. lat. I, 366. Die vielen alten Drucke dieses Buchs, und des liber de moribus siehe bei Grässe Tresor VI, p. 351; der älteste o. O. u. J. ist ein Kölner des U. Zell c. 1470).