Manuscript Summary:A copy of Aristotle's Categoriae (Categories) and De interpretatione (On interpretation) in Latin, followed by the respective commentaries of Boethius on each of the Aristotelian texts. Between texts and commentaries is the poem De ponderibus et mensuris by Remmius Favinus (?) concerning weights and measures. This manuscript, decorated with three unusual initials (pp. 44, 203 and 221) was written during the 11th century, likely only parts of it in St. Gall.(smu)
Standard description: Codices Boethiani, A Conspectus of manuscripts of the works of Boethius II, ed. by Smith Lesley, London-Turin 2001, p. 201.
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Additional description: Lohr Carolus, Aristotelica Helvetica, Scrinium Friburgense (Sonderband 6), Freiburg 1994, S. 250.
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Additional description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 275-276.
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Online Since: 04/15/2010
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 817
Parchment · 345 pp. · 25.9 x 19.4 cm · St. Gall (only parts) · 11th century
Aristotle · Boethius · Remmius Favinus (?)
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 817, p. 5 – Aristotle · Boethius · Remmius Favinus (?) (
Writing and hands:
Several, quite different, hands with Irish elements.
Tituli in orange, pp. 6, 44, 203, and in black, pp. 38, 221.
Ambitious, varied and ugly initials in black and orange.
Colophons to Cat. Hic finem tango nec plus sudoris adibo (p.38), and to In Cat. (p. 202). Riddle: Sex mihi litterule sunt et preclara potestas Disrumpis nomen medio de tramite toto Pars colit una deum, hominem pars altera signat (p. 201).
Cat.: subject headings in margin throughout, some in capitals, by a systematic reader.
In Cat.: subject headings in margin in scribe's hand, with some additions (p. 72).
De Int.: subject headings in margin throughout, not by the scribe; tied to text by reference signs (letters of the alphabet and Tironian notes).
I in Int.: notes in same style at the beginning; same reference signs.
301-35 headings in capitals as MS 768.
Standard tooled white leather on wood; two clasps (lost). Parchment label top center front coveraristoteles de x chategoriis translatus ac commentatus per boecium.