St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 837, Front cover – Isaac ben Salomon Israeli · Alkindus · Aristotle · Costa ben Luca
Manuscript Summary:A 13th/14th century philosophical manuscript containing Latin versions of the Liber de definitionibus by Isaac ben Salomon Israeli († ca. 932), a Jew who lived in Egypt and Tunisia, together with the work De quinque essentiis by the Arab philosopher and mathematician Al-Kindi (Latinized as Alkindus; † 873), the Liber de causis, erroneously attributed to Aristotle, as well as the beginning of the work De differentia spiritus et animae by the Arab philosopher Qusta ibn Luqa (Latinized as Costa ben Luca; 820-912). The codex is bound in an extremely damaged Kopert (limp vellum) binding.(smu)
Standard description: Lohr Carolus, Aristotelica Helvetica, Scrinium Friburgense (Sonderband 6), Freiburg 1994, S. 248.
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Additional description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 284.
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Online Since: 04/15/2010
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 837
Parchment · 44 pp. · 20 x 13 cm · 13th/14th century
Isaac ben Salomon Israeli · Alkindus · Aristotle · Costa ben Luca
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 837, Front cover – Isaac ben Salomon Israeli · Alkindus · Aristotle · Costa ben Luca (
p. 1-15Isaac Israeli: DefinitionesQuam plures in libris philosophorum invenientes diversas descriptiones …–…
lassitudo est diminutio spiritus propter resolutionem ex motu. Et dicta sufficiant.
Ed.: J. T. Muckle, 'Isaac Israeli, Liber de definitionibus', Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du moyen age II (1937) 299-340 spec. 328-340.
p. 16-22[Alkindi: ]De quinque essentiisSapiens Aristoteles ubi dialecticam incepit …–…
inter praeteritum et inter futurum.
Ed.: A. Nagy, Die philosophischen Abhandlungen des Ja'qub ben Ishaq al-Kindi (BGPhMA 2/5,Münster 1897) 28-40.
p. 22-43[Aristoteles Latinus: ]Liber de causis.Omnis causa primaria plus est influens …–…
complementi et durabilitatis. Deo gratias.
Ed.: A. Pattin, 'Le "Liber de causis"', Tijdschrift voor filosofie 28 (1966) 90-203.
4 (p. 44)[Costa ben Luca: ]De differentia spiritus et animae.Interrogasti me, honoret te Deus, de differentia inter spiritum et animam …–…
et sic per eam …
Ed.: C. S. Barach, Excerpta e libro Alfredi Anglici 'De motu cordis'. Item Costa ben Lucae 'De differentia animae et spiritus liber' translatus a Johanne Hispalensi (Innsbruck 1878) 120-139.