Manuscript Summary:This codex, written by several scribes, contains theological writings very different from one another in seven parts interrupted by empty pages. Part I: pp. 1–14 table of contents and pp. 17–124 the text of De decem praeceptis by Heinrich von Friemar, pp. 124Septem dona sancti spiritus contra septem peccata mortalia, pp. 125–139Tractatus de confessione et de peccatis mortalibus et venialibus, p. 139Quid sit vera poenitentia et confessio, pp. 139–140 a theological note and further notes on p. 142, pp. 143–173 the treatise De proprietate ad canonicos regulares religiosa by the theologian, astronomer and church politician Heinrich Heinbuche von Langenstein (1325–1397) as well as pp. 177–186 a fragment of the Expositio regulae S. Augustini. Part II contains a fragment of De sacramento ordinison pp. 187–199, pp. 199–257Notabilia super Cantica Canticorum by Frater Johannes, followed on pp. 258–260 by the sermon Omnia parata sunt venite ad nuptias. Parts III (pp. 261–284), IV (pp. 285–316) and V (pp. 317–340) contain more sermons. Part VI consists of 14th and 15th century Sibyllenweissagungen in German, (Von Kung Salomo wishait, pp. 341–361) and a fragmentary letter (pp. 361–362). Part VII contains moralizations from the Historia septem sapientiumon pp. 365–376. In a note on p. 379 Abbey librarian Ildefons v. Arx reports about the illness and death of the former Abbey librarian Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger in the year 1823. An entry in the top margin of p. 1 attests that the manuscript was already in the St. Gall monastery in the 15th century.(nie)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 352-353.
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Additional description: Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550, Bd. III: Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken St. Gallen-Zürich, bearbeitet von Beat Matthias von Scarpatetti, Rudolf Gamper und Marlis Stähli, Dietikon-Zürich 1991, S. 77.
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Online Since: 12/14/2018
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 939
Paper · 440 pp. · 21 x 14 cm · 1430
Varia theologica
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 939, Front paste-down – Varia theologica (
S. 1-14 und 17-124 Register und Text der
expositio super decem precepta edita Erdphordie per magistrum Hainricum de frymaria;
S. 143-173:
>Tractatus … magr. Hainrici de Hassya … de vita … religiosa<.
(Fabric. Bibl. med. lat. III, p. 651);
S. 199-260:
Notabilia super cantica canticorum per fratrem Johannem dictum (Rasur) reportata a magistro Berhtoldo dicto Jutzen quondam abbate monast. in Salem
(† 1373 cf. Gerbert Iter p. 257 Ed. 2);
S. 341-361:
Von Kung Salomo wishait etc. …–…
bis: ewklich niemer geschaiden
(Prophezeiungen der Sibylle auf das 14. und 15. Jh., c. 550 abgesetzte Verse in 27 Absätzen; gedruckt Nürnberg 1517. 8° s. Panzer Deutsche Annalen I p. 404; Gödeke D. Dicht. i. M. A. p. 240).
S. 365 bis 376 ein Excerpt aus den Sieben weisen Meistern (lateinische Uebersetzung) und S. 379 Notiz von I. v. Arx über Krankheit und Tod (1823) seines Freundes Hauntinger.