St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1344, p. 1 – A manuscript with normative texts in Latin and German from the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Günterstal near Freiburg im Breisgau
Manuscript Summary:The manuscript contains a number of normative texts from the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Günterstal, written partly in German and partly in Latin. It begins with a treatise on simony, in Latin and German, which was written by ‘brůder Johannes’ and dedicated to ‘der erwurdigen frowen von Mulhein’, presumably Veronica von Mülheim, who was abbess of the convent from December 1504 until her death in May 1508. Johannes may have been a monk from Tennenbach, the Cistercian monastery which had responsibility for the cura animarum of the nuns. The rest of the manuscript contains a number of translations of normative texts from the Cistercian order, including the Liber definitionum and the Ecclesiastica Officia. Their use for nuns is highlighted by the German translations and the inclusion of only relevant chapters. Many of these were also transmitted in the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Lichtenthal, near Baden-Baden. Although the convent was never formally reformed, the manuscript points to reforming impulses in the early part of the sixteenth century. The manuscript was bought in 1782 by the St. Gall monk Gall Metzler (1743-1820), parish priest in Ebringen near Freiburg, which was owned by St. Gall.(war)
Additional description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 450.
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Online Since: 12/17/2015
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1344
Paper · 936 pp. · 19.8 x 15 cm · Cistercian nuns’ convent Günterstal · early 16th century (?)
A manuscript with normative texts in Latin and German from the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Günterstal near Freiburg im Breisgau
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1344, p. 1 – A manuscript with normative texts in Latin and German from the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Günterstal near Freiburg im Breisgau (
Manuscript title: A manuscript with normative texts in Latin and German from the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Günterstal near Freiburg im Breisgau
Place of origin: Cistercian nuns’ convent Günterstal
Date of origin: early sixteenth century?
Support: Paper
936 pages
Format: 19.8 x 15 cm
Main language: German / Lateinisch
1-22Denis the Carthusian (Dionysius der Kartäuser): Contra Simoniam
Utrum in monasterys feminarum liceat recipere ultra numerum personarum qu[a]e de bonis monastery sine penuria possunt sustenari …
Text printed in Doctoris ecstatici d. Dionysii Cartusiani opera omnia, cura et labore monachorum sacri Ordinis Cartu, Vol. 39 (Monstrolii, 1896) pp. 308-25.
Cf. Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek Codex Guelf. 599, fols. 136r-152v, from the Cistercian nuns’ convent of Wöltingerode.
23-47Denis the Carthusian: Contra Simoniam
Es ist ein froge ob in den frowen clöstern zimlich ist zů nemen ein frowlich bild zů einem nouitzen vber die zal der personen die das selbe closter on gebresten uff enthalten mag …
177-309Libellus antiquarum definitionum (1289)
Das büchly der gesetz Citelser ordens deren die zuͦ gehoͤrent der ordenlichen regulierten obßuantz straff vnd zucht eines giestlichen lebens …
Cf. H. Séjalon, Nomasticon cisterciense (Solesmes: 1892), pp. 367-470.
Cf. Kloster Lichtenthal 46, fols. 2r-52r.
Ch. I: 183-207; II: 207-11; III: 211-3; IV: 213-6; V: 216-24; VI: 224-32; VII: 232-53; VIII: 253-66; IX: 266-74; X: 274-80; XI: 280-8; XII: 288-93; XIV: 293-303; XV: 303-309.
309-363Libellus novellarum definitionum (1350)
Hie endet sich das buͦchlÿ der alten diffinicion vnd vohent an in die nuwen diffiniciones Nouell genant vnd hatt ouch xv vnderscheid …
Cf. H. Séjalon, Nomasticon cisterciense (Solesmes: 1892), pp. 496-536.
Cf. Kloster Lichtenthal, fols. 52v-69v.
Ch. I: 310-12; II: 312-4; III: 314; IV: 314-315; V: 315-318; VI: 318-322; VII: 322-329; VIII: 329-36; IX: 336-49; X: 349-53; XI: 353-56; XII: 356; XIII: 357; XIV: 357-8; XV: 358-63.
364-395Reform Decrees of Benedict XII
(German). Hie vocht an die ordnung vnd reformacion Benedicti des babstes des zwoͤlften …
Cf. H. Séjalon, Nomasticon cisterciense (Solesmes: 1892), pp. 473-96 and Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 3 (1262-1400) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1935), pp. 410-36.
Cf. Kloster Lichtenthal, fols. 69v-80v.
395-398Bull of Clemens VI [?]
Item ein andre bull restitut vnd widerüffungbabst Clementis …
Cf. Kloster Lichtenthal, fols. 80v-81v.
398-431General Statutes of the Chapter (14/15th Century)
Cf. Kloster Lichtenthal 81v-93r.
Anno domini m ccc lxxxi sind diß nachgeschribne stuck gesetztZum ersten so vffhört die vrsach soll oͧch vffhören ir wirckung …
Not in Canivez.
Anno domini m ccc lxxxxiii sind dise stuck zuͦ zitels im general capitel gesetzt.Die irsal der symonieschen boßheit …
>Anno domini m ccc lxxxxviii0 sind diß nachgeschribnen stuk gesetzt im general capitel ze heilßbrunn.<Allen vatter äbbten des gantzen orden gebuttet das general capitel …
Cf. B. Griesser, ‘Statuten von Generalkapiteln außerhalb Cîteaux’, in Cistercienser-Chronik 62 (1955), pp. 69, 79-83, without these texts;
Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 2 (1221-1261) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1934), pp. 21-2 (1223.I).
>Anno domini m cccc vicesimo secundo sind dise ding gesetzt worden im gemeinen capitel.<Das general capitel warnemment das zuͦ disen zÿty …
Cf. Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 4 (1401-1456) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1936), pp. 240-58 (1422.24, 23, 32, 26, 28, 34, 30, 31, 27, 25).
>Anno domini m cccc xxxii sind dise ding gesetzt worden zuͦ citels in dem gemein capitel.<Das general capitel ernuwerendt vnd bestütten …
Cf. Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 4 (1401-1456) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1936), pp. 370-82 (1432.7, 9, 14, 39, 40, 12, 45, 51).
>Diß nach geschribnen diffiniciones sind gesetzt anno domini m cccc xlii0.<Das general capitel gebuttet strengklichen allen äbbten …
Cf. Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 4 (1401-1456) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1936), p. 527-8 (1442.86).
Es ist nott vmb maniger boßheiten …
Not in Canivez.
>Diß hie nach geschribnen diffiniciones sind gesetzt im general capitel anno domini m cccc xlix.<Als vnser orden von einikeit vnd glychgestaͤltikeit der sitten diensten …
Cf. Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 4 (1401-1456) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1936), pp. 610-29 (1449. 9-13, 8, 16, 25, 21, 27, 9) and pp. 607-10 (1448. 3, 13, 4, 14, 15, 17).
>Diß nach geschribnen diffiniciones sind gesetzt im gemeinen capitel anno domini m cccc l primo.<Das gegenwirtig general capitel begerende die reformierung der kloͤster …
Cf. Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 4 (1401-1456) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1936), pp. 642-58 (1451.57, 59, 58, 70, 47, 61, 73, 60, 56, 69, 90).
>Anno domini m cccc lxiii sind diß ding im general capitel gesetzt.<Das general capitel seht vnd ordnet …
From 1463 not 1443! Cf. Joseph Marie Canivez (ed.), Statuta capitulorum generalium ordinis Cisterciensis ab anno 1116 ad annum 1786, Vol. 5 (14577-1490) (Louvain: Bureaux de la Revue, 1937), pp.146-8 (1463.131).
The following chapters are transmitted: 13 (446-50), 20-3 (450-70), 56-8 (470-95), 70 (495-511), 72-120 (515-679)
Cf. Les Ecclesiastica officia cisterciens du XIIe siècle : texte latin selon les manuscrits édités de Trente 1711, Ljubljana 31 et Dijon 114, version franc̜aise, annexe liturgique, notes, index et tables, Danièle Choisselet and Placide Vernet (ed.), (Reiningue : Documentation cistercienne, 1989), pp. 86-91, 100-15, 174-81, 202-9, 212-337.
691-693Priveligum domini papae (Callixtus II., 1119)
(Latin). Calixtus pisciopus servus
servorum …
Cf. Les plus anciens textes du Cîteaux: sources, textes et notes historiques, Jean de la Croix Bouton and Jean Baptiste van Damme (ed.) (Achel: Abbaye Cistercienne, 1974), p. 104.
693-699Textus redactionis originalis Institutorum Generalis Capituli apud Cistercium
Incipit prologus super insitututa genearlis capituli aput cistercium …
Register only.
Cf. Joseph Turk, ‘Cistercii Statuta Antiquissima’, Analecta Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis 4 (1948), pp. 16-28.
700-703De forma uisitationis
In facienda uisitatione cautelam …
Cf. H. Séjalon, Nomasticon cisterciense (Solesmes: 1892), pp. 219-20.
703-704Usus Conversorum
Qualiter se habeant fratres in grangiis Register only. …
Cistercian Lay Brothers. Twelfth-Century Usages with Related Texts, Chrysogonus Waddell (ed.), Studia et Documenta X (Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses, 2000), pp. 55-78.
705-735Ecclesiastica officia
The following chapters are transmitted: 13 (705-9), 15 (709-12), 21-4 (712-9), 56-8 (729-35).
Cf. Les Ecclesiastica officia cisterciens du XIIe siècle : texte latin selon les manuscrits édités de Trente 1711, Ljubljana 31 et Dijon 114, version franc̜aise, annexe liturgique, notes, index et tables, Danièle Choisselet and Placide Vernet (ed.), (Reiningue : Documentation cistercienne, 1989), pp. 86-91, 92-5, 100-15, 174-81.
749-921Ecclesiastica officia (Latin).
The following chapters are transmitted: 68-84 (749-824), 86-99 (824-73), 102 (876-80), 106-8 (880-91), 110-20 (891-921).
Cf. Les Ecclesiastica officia cisterciens du XIIe siècle : texte latin selon les manuscrits édités de Trente 1711, Ljubljana 31 et Dijon 114, version franc̜aise, annexe liturgique, notes, index et tables, Danièle Choisselet and Placide Vernet (ed.), (Reiningue : Documentation cistercienne, 1989), pp. 192-245, 246-91, 294-9, 302-9, 310-37.