St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1425, p. 2_0065 – Lives of monks of St. Gall; list of the monks of St. Gall from 1426 on
Manuscript Summary:This manuscript, written by the St. Gall monk P. Victor Suter (1651-1714), contains six separately paginated parts of mostly short biographies of monks from the monastery of St. Gall, separated by several blank pages. Part 1 (Vitae patrum Sangallensium antiquorum): pp. 1-97 lives of St. Gall monks, beginning with Gallus; pp. 97-112 lives of St. Gall monks who became bishops; pp. 113-117 lives of women like Wiborada; pp. 118-120 appendix: De Massina. Part 2: pp. 1-107 lives of monks who lived between 1559 and 1636, Book 1 (until 1597); pp. 108-109 register. Part 3: pp. 1-163 lives of monks who lived between 1559 and 1636, Book 2 (from 1597 on); p. 163 register. Part 4: pp. 1-21 lives of lay brothers of St. Gall (between 1566 and 1638); p. 22 register. Part 5: pp. 1-53 index of St. Gall monks, ordered by the abbots under whom they professed, from Abbot Eglolf Blarer (1426-1442) to Abbot Pankraz Vorster (1796-1805). Particularly the later entries list, in addition to the year of profession and the date of death, also the day of profession, date and place of birth, and offices held by the monks. P. Victor Suter wrote pp. 1-24; pp. 25-53 (up to 1829) were written by a second hand, dates of death 1830-1840 were added by a third hand. On pp. 55-68, catalogue of St. Gall abbots and famous monks. Part 6: pp. 1-3 saints and blesseds of the monastery of St. Gall.(sno)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 479.
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Online Since: 06/18/2020
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1425
Paper · 540 (127 + 111 + 170 + 26 + 94 + 12) pp. · 20.5 x 16 cm · Neu St. Johann: P. Victor Suter · 1696
Lives of monks of St. Gall; list of the monks of St. Gall from 1426 on
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1425, p. 2_0065 – Lives of monks of St. Gall; list of the monks of St. Gall from 1426 on (