St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1721, f. 165v – Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. IV: Description of the festivities on the occasion of the transfers of catacomb saints to churches and monasteries of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall in the 17th and 18th century
Paper · 352 ff. · 33.5 × 20 cm · St. Gall Abbey (F. Kolumban Brändle; Brother Gall Beerle) · after 1769 (binding: 1785)
Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. IV: Description of the festivities on the occasion of the transfers of catacomb saints to churches and monasteries of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall in the 17th and 18th century
Manuscript Summary:In this volume, written primarily in German, the St. Gall custos Fr. Kolumban Brändle (1720−1780) as author and compiler and Brother Gall Beerle (1734−1816) as scribe tell of the festivities that occurred on the occasion of the transfer of catacomb saints to the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall in the 18th century. The general introduction (fol. Vr – fol. VIIIr) is followed by sometimes extensive documentation about the transfers of Benedict to the Capuchin Convent of St. Scholastica in Rorschach in 1732 (fol. IXv−2v), of Justin to Gossau in 1743 (fol. 63v−68v), of Julian to the Capuchin Convent Notkersegg in 1748 (fol. 69v−77v), of Valentine to Goldach in 1761 (fol. 78v−129v), of Celestine to Waldkirch in 1763 (fol. 130v−167r), of Clementia to the Benedictine Convent of St. Wiborada in St. Georgen in 1769 (fol. 168v−226v), of Theodorus to Neu St. Johann in 1685 (fol. 228v−237r), of Placidus, Felicissimus, Victor, Prosper and Redempta to Neu St. Johann in 1689 (fol. 238v−246r), about the centenary of the transfer of Theodorus to Neu St. Johann in 1755 (fol. 247r−265r) and the centenary of the transfer of Marinus to Lichtensteig in 1757 (fol. 266v−291r), as well as about the transfer of Theodorus to Berneck in 1766 (fol. 292v−352v). These descriptions are accompanied by watercolor paintings of the catacomb saints dressed in festive garb. In addition the volume contains records, documents and reports about the authorization obtained from Rome to venerate Eusebius of Viktorsberg as a saint in the territory of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall (fol. 3v−54v) as well as about the order of the Pancratius-procession in Wil in 1738 (fol. 55r−62v). The volume also contains a little-know ink sketch of Iberg Castle near Wattwil (fol. 238v).(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 507-508.
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Online Since: 09/26/2017
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1721
Paper · 352 ff. · 33.5 × 20 cm · St. Gall Abbey (F. Kolumban Brändle; Brother Gall Beerle) · after 1769 (binding: 1785)
Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. IV: Description of the festivities on the occasion of the transfers of catacomb saints to churches and monasteries of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall in the 17th and 18th century
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1721, f. 165v – Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. IV: Description of the festivities on the occasion of the transfers of catacomb saints to churches and monasteries of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall in the 17th and 18th century (
Paper · 352 ff. · 33.5 × 20 cm · St. Gall Abbey (F. Kolumban Brändle; Brother Gall Beerle) · after 1769 (binding: 1785)
Sacrarium Sancti Galli, Vol. IV: Description of the festivities on the occasion of the transfers of catacomb saints to churches and monasteries of the Princely Abbey of Saint Gall in the 17th and 18th century
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 507-508.
Manuscript title: Sacrarium S. Galli
Dates of origin:
Support: Papier
Format: 2°
Decoration: mit gemalten Abbildungen der h. Leiber
Sacrarium S. Galli
Tom. IV: Translationes recentiores (der alten Landschaft, des Toggenburgs und Rheinthals. Festbeschreibungen in deutscher Sprache).
Blatt 1: S. Benedikt im Kl. S. Scholastica bei Rorschach a° 1732; Bl. 3: S. Eusebius; Bl. 64: S. Justinus in Gossau; Bl. 70: S. Julian in Nöggersegg; Bl. 79: S. Valentin in Goldach; Bl. 131: S. Cölestin in Waldkirch; Bl. 169: S. Clementia im Kl. S. Wiborada zu S. Georgen; Bl. 229: S. Theodor in Neu S. Johann; Bl. 238: S. Placidus, Victor und A. in Neu S. Johann (mit Abbildung des Schlosses Yberg); Bl. 247: S. Theodor zu S. Johann wieder zum Patron erwählt a° 1755 (mit Melodrama von Basil Balthasar); Bl. 267: Desgleichen S. Marin zu Lichtensteig a° 1757; Bl. 293-352 : S. Theodorus in sacello s. Crucis parochiae Bernang.