St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 831

Codices Boethiani, A Conspectus of manuscripts of the works of Boethius II, ed. by Smith Lesley, London-Turin 2001, p. 205-206, Nr. 62.
Manuscript title: in Topica Cic., 1 in Isag., Isag.
Place of origin: Germany or Switzerland
Support: Parchment
364 pages
Format: page 252 x 175 mm
Decoration: Competent red, green, purple, and ochre initials with Insular knots begin each book of in Topica Cic. Thereafter only a few simple red initials at the beginning of each new text, pp. 185, 260, 280. Much colour in the Strabo section. Quires numbered in colour, contemporaneously until p. 150, thereafter modem numbering.
Additions: Gloss: in Topica Cic. virtually no annotation; 1 in Isag. no annotation; Isag. no annotation.
Pastedowns removed. Binding: tooled white leather on boards; two clasps (lost). Label top centre on front cover Edicio Boecii in topica Tulii Ciceronis vi libri.
Provenance of the manuscript:
Germany or Switzerland (Munk Olsen). Liber SS. Galli atque Othmari (p. 3); stamp, p. 360.
- Scherrer, pp. 282-3;
- MBKDS, I, p. 111, line 17 (no. 11);
- Steinmeyer-Sievers, V, p. 59, no. 698;
- Bruckner, III, p. 45;
- AL, 2127;
- Bischoff, 'Eine Sammelhandschrift Walafrid Strabos (Cod. Sangall. 878)', Mittelalterliche Studien, II, pp. 34-51 (p. 45, n. 30);
- Bergmann, no. 241;
- Munk Olsen, III.1, p. 293 (dates A as s. x);
- Lohr, AH, pp. 255-6.
Codicological unit:
Date of origin: s. XI/XII
Page layout:
text 2 cols, each 185 x 60 mm; 32 lines;
Writing and hands:
- several good and compatible scribes.
- Irish features in script.
Codicological unit:
Date of origin: s. XII
Page layout:
text 2 cols, each 175-85 x 60mm; 34 lines;
Writing and hands: ? scribe.
- p. 183 blank;
- 184 schema of substantia;
- 185a-259b 1 in Isag.
- 260a-266b De generatione divina
- 266b-280b letter of to Candidus;
- 280a-294b Isag.
- 295a-331b commentary on Isag. [C]ur genus speciei differentiae proprio et accidenti disputationis ordine preponatur. Respondendum est iure factum videri …–… sed alius quidem paulo minus niger est alius vero teterimus. explicit
- p. 332 blank;
- 333a-344b commentary on Isag. Cum sit necessarium usque coniectans Utilitas huius libri quadrifariam spargitur narnque ad illud etiam ad quod eius dirigitur intentio magno legentibus usui est …–… ut tota disputatio ad predicamenta conveniat
- 344b-359b excerpted summary of 1 in Isag. 1;
- 359b summary definitions from Top. Diff. I-II;
- 361-364 miscellaneous notes and diagrams.