Manuscript Summary:The monk Friedrich Kölner (also Colner), originally from Hersfeld Abbey in Northern Hesse, was active at the Monastery of St. Gall between 1430 and 1436; together with several confreres, he introduced internal reforms there. At this time Friedrich Kölner also served as confessor for the quasi-monastic community of sisters of St. Georgen above St. Gall. For them he translated numerous texts from Latin into German. The texts in Cod. Sang. 998 are primarily about virginity and chastity. The volume contains numerous sentences of the church fathers in Alemannic with Middle German reflexes; texts by Bernard of Clairvaux are frequent. In addition the volume contains translations of books I and II (pp. 67-139; pp. 141-187) of Imitatio Christi by Thomas à Kempis, various sermons and excerpts, translated into German, from the treatise for novices by David of Augsburg De exterioris et interioris hominis compositione secundum triplicem (pp. 291−299 and pp. 319−338).(smu)
Standard description: Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 379.
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Paper · 342 pp. · 15.8 x 11.5 cm · Friedrich Kölner (Colner) for the community of female Benedictines of St. Georgen above St. Gall · 1430/1436
Composite Manuscript with ascetic-mystical texts for the quasi-monastic community of sisters of St. Georgen
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 998, p. 99 + p. 100 – Composite Manuscript with ascetic-mystical texts for the quasi-monastic community of sisters of St. Georgen (
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 379.
Manuscript title: Cod. Sang. 998
Date of origin: s. XV
Support: Papier
176 unbezifferte Blätter
Format: 12o maj.
Condition: Defekt am Ende.
Writing and hands:
geschrieben von Fr. Cölner für die Nonnen von S. Georgen.
Bl. 1-31Kleine Traktate und Sprüche von S. Bernhard, Bischof Albrecht u. A.
Bl. 32- 102Hie vohet ain buchli an von gaistlicher vermanung zu ainem gaistlicben Leben zum ersten von der nachvolgung Christi und von versmähung aller uppikait der welt. Qui sequitur me' etc. - bis: …–…
als vil du dir selbs gewalt tuest amen Hie endent die vermanung.
(Es sind 25 Rubriken, das erste Buch der Imitatio Christi enthaltend). Folgt:
Das büchli ist gehaissen von der welt versmächt. Von der innerlichen wandlung. Regnum dei intra vos est etc. - bis: …–…
müssen wir in gan in das rich gottes.
(11 Rubriken oder Liber II der Imitatio).