Manuscript Summary:Cod. Sang. 1397 is one of eight fragment volumes (that is, volumes that contain exclusively fragments) of the Abbey Library of St. Gall. Between 1774 and 1785, the St. Gall monks Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger (1756–1823) and Ildefons von Arx (1755–1833) detached numerous fragments from bindings in which they had served for centuries as pastedowns, flyleaves, spine linings, and endleaf guards. At an advanced age, Ildefons von Arx had the fragments bound in eight thematically-organized bindings and dedicated these in 1822 to his friend Johann Nepomuk Hauntinger. Chiefly in the twentieth century, researchers found additional, small fragments in bindings, from which they were then removed and added to the existing fragment volumes or into the collection of fragments. From 2005 to 2006 the extensive fragment volume Cod. Sang. 1397 was disbound for conservation reasons. The fragments were rebound (in the same sequence) in 23 folders (“Ganzpapierbroschuren”). The new, now authoritative pagination begins with 1 in each folder and includes only the fragments (and not the empty paper leaves). To be cited (for example): St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1397.1, pp. 1-2 (= Cod. Sang. 1397, Folder 1, pages 1-2). The eleventh folder of Cod. Sang. 1397 contains fragments, including one with musical notation, from eight liturgical manuscripts from the ninth to the thirteenth century.(len)
Standard description: Chiara de Angelis, Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio meridionale, 2023.
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Online Since: 09/06/2023
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1397.11
Parchment · 22 pp. · ca. 12.3/30.2 x 14.7/22.9 cm · 9th c. – 13th c.
11th folder of the fragment collection Cod. Sang. 1397: Liturgical Fragments
How to quote:
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 1397.11, Front cover + Front paste-down – 11th folder of the fragment collection Cod. Sang. 1397: Liturgical Fragments (
Additions: p. 1, eine Anmerkung in Kursive (14. Jh.)
Das Fragment ist im Sinne der Textabfolge (p. 2-1) umgekehrt eingebunden.
Das Blatt enthält die Gesänge, Lesungen und Gebete für die Feria III nach dem 15. Sonntag nach Pfingsten und für den 16. Sonntag nach Pfingsten.
Das Fragment ist im Sinne der Textabfolge (p. 4-3) umgekehrt eingebunden. Beda Venerabilis, Homilia XXV in Dom. II in adventu Domini (vgl. PL 94, Sp. 322A-C); Smaragdus, Collectiones, Dom. III in adventu Domini (vgl. PL 102, Sp. 520A-521D).
p. 9-10Paulus Diaconus, Homilia LIV in Dom. III post Epiphaniam (vgl. PL 95, Sp. 1190A-B); Mt 8,1-13; Phil 1,1-5 (Dom. V post Nat. Domini).
p. 11-12Augustinus, Tractatus IV (vgl. PL 35, Sp. 1411-1412); Lc 3,21-4,1; sie enthalten auch die Gebete aus dem Sacramentarium Fuldense Nr. 301 (Dom. III post Theophaniam) und Nr. 131 (Id. Ian. Oct. Epiphaniae).
Das Fragment ist im Sinne der Textabfolge (p. 14-13) umgekehrt eingebunden.
Mt 5,23-24; Hbr 12,28-13,9 (Feria IV); Mc 10,17-21; Rm 6,19-23 (Dominica VII); Mc 8, 1-4.
Decoration: Erwähnt sei das systematische Fehlen von Initialen, welche zu Beginn der Gebete stehen sollten.
Das Fragment ist im Sinne der Textabfolge (p. 16-15) umgekehrt eingebunden.
Gebete für den Sonntag und die Feria II-V der 2. Woche der Fastenzeit (ad Sanctum Clementem, ad Sanctas Balbinam, Caeciliam, Mariam trans Tiberim).