Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 115, f. 135r – Ps. Mauricius, Strategicon . Ps. Nicephorus, De uelitatione bellica . Ps. Iulius Africanus, Apparatus bellicus
Manuscript Summary:This Greek manuscript was copied on paper and, thanks to an inscription, can be dated from 1561. It unites three treatises on war. Two Byzantine treatises, the Strategikon generally ascribed to King Maurus (6th century), and De velitatione bellica ascribed to the Emperor Nikephoros II. (19th century), precede the Apparatus bellicus ascribed to Sextus Julius Africanus (born in Nicopolis).(jos)
Standard description: Notes préparatoires, publiées ici à la demande de la Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Notice complète parue dans : Patrick Andrist, Manuscrits grecs de la Fondation Martin Bodmer. Étude et catalogue scientifique, Catalogues Bodmer 8, Basel 2016, p. 117-138.
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Online Since: 06/02/2010
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 115
Paper · 1 + 153 + 16 + 1 ff. · 16th century
Ps. Mauricius, Strategicon . Ps. Nicephorus, De uelitatione bellica . Ps. Iulius Africanus, Apparatus bellicus
How to quote:
Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 115, f. 135r – Ps. Mauricius, Strategicon . Ps. Nicephorus, De uelitatione bellica . Ps. Iulius Africanus, Apparatus bellicus (
Notes préparatoires, publiées ici à la demande de la Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. Notice complète parue dans : Patrick Andrist, Manuscrits grecs de la Fondation Martin Bodmer. Étude et catalogue scientifique, Catalogues Bodmer 8, Basel 2016, p. 117-138.
Former shelfmark:
olim Phillipps 3558 et 3509 ; olim Thorpe
Support: Papier
(1) 153 + 16 (1)
Catalogue of the celebrated collection formed by Sir Thomas Phillipps Bt. (1792-1872). The property of the Trustees of the Robinson Trust. Days of Sale: Monday 26th June 1967…, Bibliotheca Phillippica, Medieval Manuscripts, n. s. 3, London 1967. – Cf. p. 40-41, lot 631.
Catalogus Librorum manuscriptorum in bibliotheca D. Thomae Phillipps, Bart., Middle-Hill 1837. Réimpr. avec intro. de A. N. L. Munby, London 1968. – Cf. p. 45 n° 3558, qui indique, semble-t-il à tort, un rapport avec le n° 3509 (p. 42).
Schenkl, Heinrich, Bibliotheca patrum latinorum Britannica, t. IV-V, = Die Bibliothek des verstorbenen Sir Thomas Philipps (!) in Cheltenham. Sitzungsber. der Kaiser. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Philos.-hist. 126, Wien 1892, Abh. 6 ; Wien 127, 1892, Abh. 9. – Cf. Abh. 6, p. 61 n° 3558.
Sosower, Marc L., A Forger Revisited : Andreas Darmarios and Beinecke 269, JÖB 43, Wien 1993, p. 289-306. – Cf. p. 298 n. 19.
Codicological unit:
Manuscript title:
Ps. Mauricius, Strategicon.
Ps. Nicephorus, De velitatione bellica.
Ps. Iulius Africanus, Apparatus bellicus (initium)
Date of origin: S. XVI
Support: Papier
153 f.
Format: 329 x 229 mm
Page layout:
1 col. – 30 lignes.
(f. 1r-102r)
Ps. Mauricius: Strategicon.
– Tit.
Μαυρικίου τακτικὰ τοῦ ἐπὶ τοῦ βασιλέως Μαυρικίου γεγονότος.
(f. 5r-102r)
cum figuris ordinem rationemque rei militaris gerendae illustrantibus.
– Tit.
Κεφάλαια τοῦ πρώτου λόγου. πως δεῖ γυμνάζειν ἕνα ἕκαστον ἄνδρα ἐν ταῖς μεγέταις [!].
– Inc.
πρότερον δεῖ συνεθίζειν αὐτοὺς πέτρους συντόμως τοξεύειν εἴτε ῾Ρωμαιστὶ.
– Des.
καὶ κόπον τοῖς ἵπποις, καὶ πόνον.
– Tit. fin.
τέλος τοῦ Μαυρικίου | τῷ θεῷ δόξα.
Ed. G. T. Dennis, Corpus Font. Hist. Byz. 17, Wien 1981, p. 74-500; textus saepe com Ambrosiano B 119 sup congruit, a quo tamen interdum multum differt.