Select manuscript from this collection: Cod. Sang. 1  Cod. Sang. 857 Cod. Sang. 861  Cod. Sang. 2135  642/882

Country of Location:
Country of Location
St. Gallen
Library / Collection:
Library / Collection
Cod. Sang. 858
Manuscript Title:
Manuscript Title
Works by various authors, predominantly from antiquity, with commentaries
Paper · 862 (859) pp. · 30.5 x 21-22 cm · Lindau · 1499
Manuscript Summary:
Manuscript Summary
This manuscript, written in 1499 under the schoolmaster Cunradus Reuschman of Lindau (note on p. 488), contains predominantly works by ancient writers, as well as several works by 15th century Italian authors. All texts have commentaries, and the more important works are generally preceded by an argumentum. Often there are several pages left blank between the texts. In the margins, there are several simple pen sketches (pp. 498501, 504, 511, 513; on p. 706 and 712 sketches of maps of the world). P. 3 contains a full-page pen sketch of the city of Troy. The individual texts are: Publius Baebius Italicus, Ilias latina (pp. 551); Virgil, Georgica (pp. 57146); Horace, Epistolae (pp. 148230); Horace, Carmen saeculare (pp. 231234); Lactantius, De ave Phoenice (pp. 234241); Persius, Satires (pp. 245282); Margarita passionis, inc. Cum prope pasca foret (pp. 283288); Seneca, De providentia (pp. 289298); Augustinus Datus, Elegantiolae (pp. 323361); Carmen de dolo et astutia cuiusdam mulieris, inc. Summe procus caveat ducatur ne mala coniunx (pp. 362365); hymns (pp. 366388); Parvulus philosophiae moralis (pp. 395417); Dominicus Mancinus, De quattuor virtutibus (pp. 419488); Hieronimus de Vallibus, Jesuida (pp. 491514); Matthaeus Bossus, Oratio in beata coena domini (pp. 515524); Ps.-Leonardo Bruni Aretino, Comoedia Poliscena (pp. 539549); Terence, Andria (pp. 563621); Virgil, Bucolica (pp. 629660); Horace, Ars poetica (pp. 661678); Horace, Epodes (pp. 679692); Ps.-Virgil, Moretum (pp. 692694); Ps.-Ovid, Remedia amoris, inc. Qui fuerit cupiens ab amica solvere colla (pp. 694695); Ps.-Ovid, De arte amandi, inc. Si quem forte iuvat subdi sapienter amori (pp. 695698); a treatise on punctuation, De kanone punctorum (pp. 699); Virgil, Aeneis, lib. 1 and 3 (pp. 701726 and 741760); Sallust, De coniuratione Catilinae (pp. 765802); Sallust, De bello Iugurthino, incomplete (pp. 803804); Seneca, Epistolae morales (pp. 812853). (sno)
Standard description:
Standard description
Descrizione di Lisa Ciccone, 2018.
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Additional description:
Additional description
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichnis der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 295.
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
DOI (Digital Object Identifier
10.5076/e-codices-csg-0858 (
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How to quote:
How to quote
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 858: Works by various authors, predominantly from antiquity, with commentaries (
Online Since:
Online Since
Additional literature:
Additional literature
Additional literature – St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz (SGBN) - Verbundkatalog
(Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use)
Document Type:
Document Type
15th century
Figurative, Full Page, Margin, Penwork, Tinted Drawing
With in situ fragment:
With in situ fragment
Guard, Spine Lining
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