Country of Location: |
Country of Location
Location: |
Location Cologny |
Library / Collection: |
Library / Collection
Fondation Martin Bodmer
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark Cod. Bodmer 84 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title De victus ratione liber II seu De observantia ciborum |
Caption: | Caption Parchment · 12 + 51 ff. · 22.3 x 17.2 cm · Fulda · 9th century (first half) |
Language: |
Latin |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary This Carolingian manuscript from the period before 850 comes from the Cloister of Fulda. It contains the sole extant copy of the Latin version of a text falsely attributed to Hippocrates: "De victus ratione", which sets forth the foundations of dietetics and emphasizes the antagonism between the elements of fire and water within the body. Numerous scholars and physicians have relied on this text throughout history. |
Standard description: | Standard description Pellegrin Elisabeth, Manuscrits latins de la Bodmeriana, Cologny-Genève 1982, pp. 154-156.Show standard description |
Additional description: | Additional description Beccaria Augusto, I codici di medicina del periodo presalernitano, Roma 1956, pp. 241-243.Show additional description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-cb-0084 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: |
IIIF Manifest URL
![]() |
How to quote: | How to quote Cologny, Fondation Martin Bodmer, Cod. Bodmer 84: De victus ratione liber II seu De observantia ciborum ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 07/31/2007 |
Rights: | Rights Images:
![]() (Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: |
Document Type
Manuscript |
Century: |
9th century |
pSaraS · 03/08/2018, 09:50:24
Beschreibung Beccaria 241-243 hinzufügen
pSaraS · 03/08/2018, 09:47:04
scissu, in der Beschreibung von Pellegrin steht, wohl ein Fehler bei der Datenübertragung, sciussu
Innocenzo Mazzini, L'antidotario Bodmer ed il riutilizzo della letteratura medica antica e tardo antica, in: Tradición griega y textos médicos latinos en el período presalernitano (Actas del VIII Coloquio internacional Textos Médicos Latinos Antiguos, A Coruña, 2-4 septiembre 2004), hrsg. Arsenio Ferraces Rodríguez, A Coruña 2007, 211-235
pSaraS · 03/08/2018, 12:13:29
mit Veröffentlichung einiger Rezepte
Bischoff, Katalog der festländischen ... Nr. 959, p. 207, "Fulda, IX. Jh., 2. Drittel"
Innocenzo Mazzini, Due testimonianze altomedievali inedite di Scribonio Largo, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica, 111, 1983, 158-170
De observantia ciborum. Traduzione tardo-antica del Περὶ διαίτης pseudoippocratico l. II. Introduzione, testo critico ed index verborum memorabilium a cura di Innocenzo Mazzini, Roma 1984 (Università di Macerata. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Istituto di Filologia Classica. 18)
pSaraS · 03/02/2018, 15:40:31
ersetzt die Ausgabe in Romanobarbarica 2, 1977
e-codices · 04/24/2018, 10:23:39
Vielen Dank für den Hinweis.
Die Beschreibung von Beccaria wurde nun hinzugefügt.