Country of Location: |
Country of Location
Location: |
Location Schaffhausen |
Library / Collection: |
Library / Collection
Konzernarchiv Georg Fischer AG
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark GFA 1/144.35 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Memory album Johann Conrad Fischer |
Caption: | Caption Paper · [2] + 178 pp. · 19.5 x 12 cm · 1791-1841 |
Language: |
German, French, English, Danish |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary This leather-bound paper manuscript with gold embossing (digits of the year 1791 in each of the four corners of the book) is the memory album of Johann Conrad Fischer (1773-1854), coppersmith, metallurgist, entrepreneur and politician from Schaffhausen. His cast steel factory, founded in 1802, developed into the current Georg Fischer Ltd. The album contains dedications and illustrations by about 70 people with whom Fischer was in touch during his lifetime, among them his math teacher Melchior Hurter (1735-1811) (p. 1), Professor Johann Georg Müller (1759-1819) (p. 49), the physician Johann Balthasar Zwingli from Zurich (1764-1817) (p. 164), the writer Heinrich Zschokke (1771-1848) (p. 175), Fischer’s great–uncle Lorenz Spengler (1720-1807), head of the Royal Art Chamber in Copenhagen (p. 43), and his son Johann Conrad Spengler (1767-1839) (p. 105). The majority of the entries are in German, French, English and Danish and date from his years of travel as a journeyman coppersmith in 1792-1795, when he traveled via Frankfurt, Chemnitz, Dresden to Copenhagen and on to London. Occasional further entries continue until 1841. The entries are not in chronological order and alternate with pasted-in pages (pp. 3a-b, 48a, 111a-d) and numerous blank pages. The numbering of the pages is from the time of the creation of the album. |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-kgfs-0144-0035 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: |
IIIF Manifest URL
![]() |
How to quote: | How to quote Schaffhausen, Konzernarchiv Georg Fischer AG, GFA 1/144.35: Memory album Johann Conrad Fischer ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 06/22/2017 |
Rights: | Rights Images:
![]() (Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: |
Document Type
Manuscript |
Century: |
18th century, 19th century |
Dated: |
1791-1841 |
Decoration: |
Figurative, Full Page, Tinted Drawing |
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e-codices · 06/12/2017, 17:40:25
Transkriptionen aus dem Erinnerungsalbum, chronologisch geordnet, unvollständig, in: „Widmungen im Stammalbum von Joh. Conrad Fischer 1773-1854“ (Konzernarchiv Georg Fischer AG, GFA 1/91).
e-codices · 06/12/2017, 17:39:06
Die Seiten 81-84 enthalten eine Liste von Personen, zu denen Johann Conrad Fischer Kontakt pflegte, darunter einige mit Verweis auf Widmung im Erinnerungsalbum. Die Liste ist nicht vollständig, in: Boesch, Hans: Die Unternehmungen von Johann Conrad Fischer. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte und Wirtschaftsgeographie der Stahlindustrie in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Schaffhausen 1951 (Neujahrsblatt der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Schaffhausen 4/1952).
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