Country of Location: | Country of Location Switzerland |
Location: | Location Luzern |
Library / Collection: | Library / Collection Provinzarchiv Schweizer Kapuziner Luzern |
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark PAL L |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Bonaventura, Legenda maior s. Francisci . Vita beati Antonii |
Caption: | Caption Parchment · 175 ff. · 20/20.5 x 15.3/15.5 cm · Paradies Cloister? (Diessenhofen, Thurgau) · 1337 |
Language: | Language Latin, Bavarian, German |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary This volume contains St. Bonaventure's Legenda maior of St. Francis, the Vita beati Antonii and two documents regarding the Portiuncula indulgence. The manuscript was written by Elisabeth von Amberg (ff. 1-127) and Katherina von Purchausen (ff. 129-176) in the year 1337. It is decorated with an initial portraying St. Francis as a knight (f. 4r) and a vignette showing the bestowal of the Stigmata (f. 77v). The appearance of the name of St. Clara in the text suggests that the codex was written in a cloister of the Poor Clares, perhaps the Paradise. It came into the posession of the Capuchin cloister in Frauenfeld at the beginning of the 17th century and has been held in the provincial archive of the Capuchins in Lucerne since 1848. |
Standard description: | Standard description Beschreibung Marina Bernasconi Reusser für e-codices, 2010.Show standard description |
Additional description: | Additional description Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550, Bd. II: Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken Bern-Porrentruy, bearbeitet von Beat Matthias von Scarpatetti, Dietikon-Zürich 1983, Nr. 448, S. 164.Show additional description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-pal-L ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: | IIIF Manifest URL ![]() |
How to quote: | How to quote Luzern, Provinzarchiv Schweizer Kapuziner Luzern, PAL L: Bonaventura, Legenda maior s. Francisci . Vita beati Antonii ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 03/31/2011 |
Rights: | Rights Images: ![]() (Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: | Document Type Manuscript |
Century: | Century 14th century |
Dated: | Dated 1337 |
Decoration: | Decoration Figurative, Fully Painted, Initial, Ornamental, Penwork, Text Block |
Binding: | Binding 14th century |
With in situ fragment: | With in situ fragment Pastedown |
Materiality: | Materiality Catenatus |
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Peter Kamber, Überlieferte Manuskripte und franziskanische Mendikanten. Erschliessung mittelalterlichen Handschriften aus Beständen der Minoriten im Kanton Luzern, in: Helvetia franciscana, 47 (2018), 11-42.
Marina Bernasconi · 01/07/2019, 11:26:28
Die im Vorderdeckel eingekerbte Abkürzung LCV auf dem Vorderdeckel steht für Liber Conventus Villingani. Die Handschrift kam wohl 1794 bei der Versteigerung der Bibliothek durch Kauf an das Kapuzinerkloster Frauenfeld. Als Ursprung der Handschrift kann man sich das Klarissenkloster am Villinger Bickentor vorstellen.