Manuscript Summary:This portable Latin-Bible contains the Old (ff. 5v-344v) and the New Testament (ff. 346r-435v), preceded by St. Jerome’s prologues to the whole Bible and to the Pentateuch (ff. 4r-5v) and followed by the interpretation of Hebrew names (ff. 436r-471v). There are illuminated initials (ff. 5v, 190v, 364v und 377v), and gilded ones and initials decorated with pen flourishes in red and blue. Some leaves (2, 3, 345, 357, 472) are missing or were cropped. As we come to know from the explicit on f. 471v, this manuscript was copied in 1440 by Jean Comte (Comitis) of Warmarens (Vuarmarens, FR),parish priest in Billens (FR). RCap 243 is from the library of the Capuchin monastery of Sion, an order present in the city since the 17th century. A handwritten note of ownership on the front pastedown indicates that in 1785 this Bible was owned by the Capuchin Josef Alexius [Eggo] von Leuk (1761-1840; guardian in Saint Maurice from 1805 to 1808, in Sion from 1808 to 1811 and from 1819 to 1822).(esc)
Online Since: 03/22/2018
Sion/Sitten, Médiathèque Valais, RCap 243
Parchment · 466 ff. · 15.5 x 23 cm · Canton of Fribourg (probably) · 1440
Biblia latina
How to quote:
Sion/Sitten, Médiathèque Valais, RCap 243, f. 226r – Biblia latina (