Select manuscript from this collection: Cod. Sang. 1  Cod. Sang. 802 Cod. Sang. 813  Cod. Sang. 2135  615/890

Country of Location:
Country of Location
St. Gallen
Library / Collection:
Library / Collection
Cod. Sang. 806
Manuscript Title:
Manuscript Title
The St. Gall "Dracula" Manuscript
Paper · 420 pp. · 29 x 20 cm · Switzerland (?) · 1500/1550
Latin, German
Manuscript Summary:
Manuscript Summary
A composite manuscript consisting mainly of historiographic and hagiographic content. The texts were written between 1450 and 1550, then assembled as a volume in 1573 by St. Gall monk Mauritius Enk. In addition to transmitting an anonymous Dialogus de sectis, numerous legends about the saints in German, portions of the Strassburg Chronicle by Jakob Twinger von Königshofen, as well as records from the Constance Synod of 1491, the manuscript also contains, on pages 283 through 288, without a title and almost seamlessly continuing into the following text, 30 short accounts recorded in about 1500 of the gruesome deeds of the Wallachian Count Vlad III Tepes ("the Impaler", 1431-1476), who as member of the Order of the Dragon also held the title of Dracula. This Dracula text is only transmitted in three other manuscripts: one at the library of Lambach Abbey in upper Austria, one at the British Library in London, and one at the Municipal Library of Colmar in France. (smu)
Standard description:
Standard description
Scherrer Gustav, Verzeichniss der Handschriften der Stiftsbibliothek von St. Gallen, Halle 1875, S. 269-270.
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DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
DOI (Digital Object Identifier
10.5076/e-codices-csg-0806 (
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How to quote:
How to quote
St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 806: The St. Gall "Dracula" Manuscript (
Online Since:
Online Since
Additional literature:
Additional literature
Additional literature – St. Galler Bibliotheksnetz (SGBN) - Verbundkatalog
External resources:
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(Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use)
Document Type:
Document Type
16th century
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dominique_adrian · 09/20/2017, 21:22:24

Es gibt mehr als 4 Handschriften des Dracula-Textes, vgl. mein Artikel: Dracula à Augsbourg ou les savoirs de Sigismund Meisterlin, in Scriptorium 2016, S. 96-97 (u. a. bisher unbekannte Augsburger (?) Handschrift).

KlausGraf · 05/05/2014, 01:26:49

Pages 297 - 302 :

Zum Text siehe Klaus Graf: Bollstatters Meisterlin-Bearbeitung und die Berichte zum Trierer Treffen 1473. In: Archivalia vom 2. August 2012

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