Country of Location: | Country of Location Switzerland |
Location: | Location Zürich |
Library / Collection: | Library / Collection Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum |
Shelfmark: | Shelfmark LM 26117 |
Manuscript Title: | Manuscript Title Gradual from St. Katharinental (Thurgau) |
Caption: | Caption Parchment · 314 ff. · 49 x 34.5 cm · St. Katharinenthal and Hochrhein · around 1312 |
Language: | Language Latin |
Manuscript Summary: | Manuscript Summary This gradual is from the Dominican Convent St. Katharinental and represents one of the most important artworks of the Gothic period in Switzerland. Created around 1312 in the convent itself, it was probably illuminated in the area around Lake Constance. It contains more than 80 pen-flourish initials, more than 60 historiated initials and 5 I-initials, which consist of several historiated medallions. Several pieces of the last two I-initials, whose medallions were cut out and sold separately, are known today; they are dispersed among various museums and libraries. In addition to the initials, in the floral friezes there are represented numerous kneeling and praying Dominican nuns as well as other secular donors (e.g., 3v, 18v, 90r, 159v, 161r etc.). Until the 19th century, the gradual was in use in the convent; around 1820 it was ceded to an antiquarian book dealer in Konstanz, Franz Joseph Aloys Castell (1796-1844). After 1860 it was owned by the English collectors Sir William Amherst of Hackney and Sir Charles Dyson Perrins (1864-1958). Upon the death of the latter, his library was offered for sale through Sotheby's, and the manuscript was purchased by the Swiss Confederation with the support of the Gottfried Keller-Foundation and the Canton of Thurgau. |
Standard description: | Standard description Das Graduale von Sankt Katharinenthal. Kommentar zur Faksimile-Ausgabe, Luzern 1893. Bearbeitet für das Internet und ergänzt von Marina Bernasconi Reusser, e-codices, 2017.Show standard description |
DOI (Digital Object Identifier): | DOI (Digital Object Identifier 10.5076/e-codices-snm-LM026117 ( |
Permanent link: | Permanent link |
IIIF Manifest URL: | IIIF Manifest URL ![]() |
How to quote: | How to quote Zürich, Schweizerisches Nationalmuseum, LM 26117: Gradual from St. Katharinental (Thurgau) ( |
Online Since: | Online Since 03/22/2017 |
Rights: | Rights Images: ![]() (Concerning all other rights see each manuscript description and our Terms of use) |
Document Type: | Document Type Manuscript |
Century: | Century 14th century |
Decoration: | Decoration Figurative, Fully Painted, Gold / Silver, Initial, Margin, Ornamental, Penwork |
Liturgica christiana: | Liturgica christiana Gradual |
Musical Notation: | Musical Notation Square Notation |
Binding: | Binding 15th century |
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Liturgical Life and Latin Learning at Paradies bei Soest, 1300–1425, 2 vols. [xiii + 782 + 626 pp.] (Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2017), co–authored with Margot Fassler, Susan Marti & Eva Schlotheuber, vol. I, inv. no. LM 26117: 183, 184, 218, 272, 330–1, 330, 552, 559, 573–9, 574–8, 586, 593–4, 740, 741, 759, 760; inv. no. LM 29329b: 552.
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, “Inscribing the Word—Illuminating the Sequence: Epithets in Honor of John the Evangelist in the Graduals from Paradies bei Soest,” in: Leaves from Paradise: The Cult of John at the Dominican Convent of Paradies bei Soest, ed. Jeffrey F. Hamburger, Houghton Library Studies 1 (Cambridge: Houghton Library, distributed by Harvard University Press, 2008), 161–213, esp. 172–182.
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, “Brother, Bride and alter Christus: The Virginal Body of John the Evangelist in Medieval Art, Theology and Literature,” Text und Kultur: Mittelalterliche Literatur 1150–1450, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft–Symposium, ed. Ursula Peters (Stuttgart: Metzler, 2001), 296–328.
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, “’Siegel der Ebenbildlichkeit, voll von Weisheit’: Johannes der Evangelist und der Bildersprache der Vergöttlichung im Graduale von St. Katharinenthal,” Die Präsenz des Mittelalters in seinen Handschriften, ed. Nigel Palmer & Hans–Jochen Schiewer, (Tübingen: Niemeyer, 2002), 115–137.
Jeffrey F. Hamburger, St. John the Divine: The Deified Evangelist in Medieval Art and Theology (Berkeley–Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002), 95–164.