Manuscript Summary:One of the most important extant copies of the Institutiones oratoriae (The Art of Rhetoric) by the Roman rhetorician Quintilian († after 96 A.D.). This work, influential to the present day, depicts in twelve books the education of an orator from his earliest youth through to the completion of training; the goal is the development of an unimpeachably ethical orator who places speaking skills at the service of humanity. This St. Gall copy dates from the early 11th century, with glosses and annotations added by, and – in the case of the last few books – also written by the St. St. Gall monk Ekkehart IV († about 1060).(smu)
Standard description: Mohlberg Leo Cunibert, Katalog der Handschriften der Zentralbibliothek Zürich I, Mittelalterliche Handschriften, Zürich 1952, S. 41.
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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 74a
Parchment · 304 ff. · 25 x 19.7 cm · St. Gall · 10th–11th centuries
Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae Libri XII
How to quote:
Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. C 74a, Front cover – Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae Libri XII (
Collation: Alte Lagenbezeichnung: (8v) I ~ (304v) XXXVIII
Writing and hands: Von verschiedenen Schreibern.
Rote Titel und Anfangsbuchstaben.
Starker Holzdeckel mit weissem Leder überzogen, linienverziert. Zwei Schliessen abgerissen. Vorderdeckel (innen): Bibeltext (10. Jahrh.): Machabäer; vgl. Ms C 57.
Filiation: vgl. Ms Car. C 9 Bl. 202; Car. C 119 am Ende
Origin of the manuscript: 304rLibri hi duodecim de institucione oratoria Quintiliani ad M. Vietorium scripti ad Monasterium divi Galli Constanciensis dyocesis pertinent. Hic liber est Monasterii Sci Galli Constantien. dioc. Ex vaticinio narratur ordine pieno 1446. — Quod citto subeant et rem cum nomine perdant. — Congnie s/////s Arta valle residentes; vgl. Ms Car. C 9, Bl. 202; Car. C 119 am Ende.
Vgl. P. Lehmann, Mittelalterl. Bibliothekskataloge I, S. 11840.
Corrections and additions:
Mohlberg, Anhang, S. 358.
Beschreibung der Hs: Bruckner, Scriptoria III S. 126: "Von mehreren regelmässigen und sorgfältigen Händen, 10./11. Jh. Marginalien des 11./16. Jhs. Jüngere Hände am Rand. Korrekturen Ekkeharts IV? ... "