Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. D 221, Front cover – Latin poetry composed by St. St. Gall monk P. Athanasius Gugger (1608-1669) on the occasion of the great translation festivities of 1628 etc.
Manuscript Summary:Latin poetry composed by St. St. Gall monk P. Athanasius Gugger (1608-1669) on the occasion of the great translation festivities of 1628 (about, for example, the return of the remains of Saints Otmar and Notker Balbulut to the newly renovated Otmar Church in the year 1628) in addition to Latin hymns and verses on various themes from the monastery of St. Gall.(smu)
Standard description: Gagliardi Ernst und Ludwig Forrer, Katalog der Handschriften der Zentralbibliothek Zürich II, Neuere Handschriften seit 1500, Zürich 1982, Sp. 443.
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Online Since: 12/20/2007
Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. D 221
Paper · 454 ff. · 16 x 10 cm · St. Gall · 17th century
Latin poetry composed by St. St. Gall monk P. Athanasius Gugger (1608-1669) on the occasion of the great translation festivities of 1628 etc.
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Zürich, Zentralbibliothek, Ms. D 221, Front cover – Latin poetry composed by St. St. Gall monk P. Athanasius Gugger (1608-1669) on the occasion of the great translation festivities of 1628 etc. (https://www.e-codices.ch/en/list/one/zbz/D0221)
Bl. 1-203Athanasius Gugger: Lateinische GedichteTranslatio SS. Othmari, Notkeri caeterorumque monasterii St. Galli patronorum, celebrata anno 1628
Hexameter. In 12 Büchern. Vorrede von 1654.
Vgl. R. Henggeler: Professbuch der fürstl. Benediktinerabtei […] zu St. Gallen (1929) S. 299.