Manuscript Summary:German-Latin and Latin-German dictionary by the cleric Fritsche Closener; in 1384 Friedrich von Amberg (guardian in Fribourg, † 1432) had the scribe Gregorius copy this lexicon (colophon f. 101v). This is an important, alphabetically-arranged dictionary with brief translations of words, with additions and supplements by Friedrich von Amberg. The 14th/15th century binding with wooden boards and formerly with a chain was completely restored by Father Otho Raymann in 1998 (see ms. 139 regarding the original binding). The originally loose parts of the manuscript (f. B, ff. I-XX) are now securely bound.(zim)
Standard description: Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550, Bd. II: Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken Bern-Porrentruy, bearbeitet von Beat Matthias von Scarpatetti, Dietikon-Zürich 1983, S. 141 Nr. 389.
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Additional description: Bruckner Albert, Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetica 11, Schreibschulen der Diözese Lausanne, Genf 1967, S. 89.
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Online Since: 12/14/2017
Fribourg/Freiburg, Couvent des Cordeliers/Franziskanerkloster, Ms. 66
Paper · 102 ff. · 21.5 x 14.5 cm · Freiburg in Br. · 1384
Fritsche Closener, German-Latin and Latin-German Lexicon
How to quote:
Fribourg/Freiburg, Couvent des Cordeliers/Franziskanerkloster, Ms. 66, Front cover – Fritsche Closener, German-Latin and Latin-German Lexicon (
Katalog der datierten Handschriften in der Schweiz in lateinischer Schrift vom Anfang des Mittelalters bis 1550, Bd. II: Die Handschriften der Bibliotheken Bern-Porrentruy, bearbeitet von Beat Matthias von Scarpatetti, Dietikon-Zürich 1983, S. 141.
By courtesy of Urs Graf Verlag, Dietikon. The manuscript description is copyrighted by the publisher.
Manuscript title: [Fritsche] Closener, Vocabularium [latino-germanicum. Initium deest]
Place of origin: Fribourg en Brisgau
Date of origin: 1384
Support: Pap.
A, B + XX + 102 + C ff.
Format: 21,5 x 14,5
Page layout:
2, 3 et 4 col.,
18,5 x 11/11,5 (3/5)
Decoration: init., rubr.
Binding: Rel. 14e/15e s., peau sur ais de bois, fermoirs, étiquette de titre sur le plat inférieur, anc. enchaîné, le dos reparé au 19e s.
Origin of the manuscript: Datation, destinataire, scribe:101vEgo frater fridericus minister fratrum minorum prouincie superioris alemanie sacre theologie professor feci conscribi hoc vocabularium in friburgo brisgawie Anno domini m°ccc°lxxxiiii° compositum per quendam presbiterum de Argentina dictum closener. 101v: Qui me scribebat Gregorius nomen habebat Deo gracias
D'une seconde main les ff. 2r-15r.
Provenance of the manuscript: Possesseur: Voir destinataire